Dammit, I just wish something effective could be done to enforce lane etiquette. These idiots need to be GONE from the left lane. Meantime, it's...
I can tell you the super-speeder law has made a difference to driving habits on my commute. I travel against traffic from downtown to Kennesaw...
And that's what this bill would attempt to enforce. I like it. About time lazy left lane lingerers were ticketed. I foresee lots of ladder...
I swing both ways :eek3:
A veritable hotbed, no less. Hemp underpants everywhere. It's truly shocking :eek3: But seriously, let's not use satisfying generalizations to...
You're right. I'd replace the the tensioner idler anyway. Just in case. Mine refused to continue rotating at ~85k. It was hot that day.
Another possibility: your a/c belt tensioner bearing is shot. It's about to lock up and send the tensioner backwards through the timing belt...
What a bizarre response. I know plenty of folks in Midtown and downtown who are car-less by choice. It's a viable option for them. From an OTP...
I can also speak highly of Snr King and SOK. You can't go wrong there. Same goes for Quantum Mechanics. Very knowledgeable, honest folks.
You all know that sending the bums out to hassle you suburbanites is a form of sport for us city-folk?
The UV coating is a hardened liquid polymer. It protects the plastic lens cover. Eventually, the coating (because it's not very good UV coating)...
IMO, Atlanta has the most aggressive panhandlers in the country. Having said that, they never bother me. I don't let them; you just act a bit...
I can back this up 100%. With expert help, I just did t-belt on my '04 @ ~105kmi. Well, I mostly stood there and asked questions :) The smaller...
Grant Park to Kennesaw was fun. Interstates fine ('cept for the bit near 17th st). Grant Park was a skating rink. But not as bad as Old 41 near...
Did it last year. Used Binswanger. They came out. ~$250, IIRC. Make sure that whoever you use installs a new gasket. When you get price quotes,...
How can it only line up for 3/4? It's either same tooth-spacing and length or it isn't, right?
I don't know about your 99% triband claim, but yes, triband/quadband/multiband is increasingly popular. There was a gap of several years when you...
Do you work for AT&T? You disagree that the locked phone concept is to the benefit of the service provider?? I see that T-Mobile has started...
420, I am referring to the cozy relationship the FCC has with the major carries, especially AT&T. The fact that there are anti-competitive...
Separate names with a comma.