Happy birthday!
We have no hardware what so ever. The sound we get from using the TV is the built in speakers in the back. I guess being able to have at least a...
Exactly this. We live in a 2 story town home also so our living room isn't huge. A 2.1 system will be more than enough.
I know there are a few audiophiles on here so I was wondering, are there any suggestions for a decent 2.1 home audio system for relatively cheap?...
Happy birthday man!!
Happy birthday Alex!
I was thinking about it, but I don't drive dangerously nor do I speed over a ridiculous amount if at all. I just don't like that idea of taking...
Court date was today. Unfortunately, all the solicitor was able to negotiate with me was a $40 fine dropped from $119.00 and 0 points with a nolo...
Never. Unless it is an NSX or a Motul racing Civic, I would never trade a WRX for a Honda. Unless you're really hurting for an NA DD that gets...
Seen the same DGM STi at work on Saturday mornings for the past 2 weeks now. The RaceTrac on Peachtree Ind. next to Medlock Bridge. Anybody here?...
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I've had 1 accident, 2.5 years ago, on my record and 1 speeding ticket, 4 years ago. Accident was bullshit...
Forgot to mention it wasn't an actual ticket but a citation. But I'm still going to fight it. I don't plan on getting a lawyer as it doesn't seem...
It was white smoke. It was a LOT of smoke too. Possible oil burning? Either way, he still has his bumper to bumper warranty so no biggy. ยง...
So last month, a couple of friends were pulled over for "laying drags" on Satellite Blvd by Gwinnett Police. Ridiculously, I was also pulled over...
I'll only be able to get it next week. Battletag: Doughboi4#1896 RealID: superdoughboy4@gmail.com
That vinyl job looks like a shop.
What's to LOL about in the second to last question? Oh I guess it's because you don't drive a Subaru. No worries bru. Me neither.
Puahahaha. Fucking hilarious. I don't see how anyone could even try to pass off an ad like that.
Congratulations man!
http://www.erzperformance.com/Megan_Racing_Axle_Back_Exhaust_p/megan16-mr-abe-si084d25.htm is what reel linked.
Separate names with a comma.