i went, had a great time as always only ran 3 times b/c my car is on the edge of blowing up... lol, stupid wastegates! neways i believe their one...
i'll be there, not sure if i'm running or not yet but considering my wastegate is almost shot and i need a tune bad i most likely wont run but...
it was 50 for the boot to get taken off, i was parked in the middle of the lot...why my car?bleh stupid people after all the business we bring the...
ya well i highly doubt i'll be at the next one, showed up to this one and got a damn boot and i was parked in the middle of the damn parking lot...
i'll be at the varsity but not going to be able to meet up at bp
its was a blue gc8 2 dr around 7:30 pm, i'm on winward all the time live just up 9
Looked and sounded good nice seeing some subies around here
ya i work at the cc on northpoint, and btw i'll call some1 out if they almost cause another car especially a subaru an accident trying to show,...
around 10:15 tonight, friday night, just seein if your on here, made a real ass of yourself and almost caused me an accident, thanks
the silver one most likely was me, 02 silver bugeye, i live right down hwy 9 right off winward
sweet, i live off of hwy 9 so not far from where your at and work on northpoint, good seein ya around
i'm game if u guys wanna go, i dont live 2 far so i have no reason to stop by
car looks and sounds great, you live around here?
well considering its only like 30 degrees outside and it doesn't seem like many are going plus my car is dirty as hell count me out
Gave the wave, sounded good!
i should be up there btw 11-12 if i'm not signing paperwork for my new house, my car will prob. be dirty but o well
is this going on still if so who is going and what time?
i'll prob show up pending a date/time
i'll see if i can get it off work
looks like rain wont start till later so i'll prob be there, see ya guys out there if it doesn't rain
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