What I don't understand is, why would some games not even play without a PSN connection?
wrxatlanta bandanas?....or fanny packs ;-)
Man, I miss this car! Good numbers, Nick.
http://ps3.ign.com/articles/107/1072875p1.html I would avoid playing PS3 today.
Unless they're going to use this as reasoning to ticket people passing on the right? Not sure of how the law would be worded.
I think some people are missing the point. They will never ticket someone for traveling in the left lane if they are obeying the speed limit. And...
Doesn't the 60k mile service call for timing belt?
So this allows you to use aftermarket external harddrives?
Bridgestone Potenza RE760's FTW!!!
Passed an EVO in a ditch on my way in. Channel 2 helicopter was above, hopefully they caught it on film!
Hey, I changed it because people asked me to. I just have a hard time believing that was inappropriate. I've seen worse in avatars on this...
If you guys are that paranoid/work with people that would complaign if they noticed that sig over your shoulder...use worksafe mode. I...
You must be in management.
Edited my sig as not to offend anyone
Good grief...unless you're sporting a 20" monitor you can barely tell what it is anyway. It from a video game people...not playboy!
Really? I thought I worked for the lamest company in town.
Did you keep the WRX clutch? Or upgrade to STi/aftermarket?
Check this out: http://callsign.modernwarfare247.com/ Came from an awesome MW2 site: http://www.modernwarfare247.com/
New sig
Not knocking you guys. I'm more commenting on how dead the forum has become. Seems like vendors post more than anyone these days.
Separate names with a comma.