Turned right before the Exxon, my office is there I was leaving in my dumpy E-250 work van, couldn't tell much about the car was a ways away.
Why would blue be the best? If you have a sonic you can call it SUPER SONIC!!
ProfKilljoy - lvl 70 demigod-like UD priest on Azshara, raiding endgame. Come join the guild!
oh yeah! it was five. i was too hungry to wait till 6
I would've been pulling in by Olive Garden off Busbee right around 6pm.
I keep seeing this car at the waffle house across from KSU. But it's always too freakin late for me to stop in.
I was the sonic WRX you parked towards. I know it's somebody here cause I saw your sticker! Silly me, I STILL have mine sitting in my glove box...
Yea the cost is about what you'd pay for a paint job, leather seats, sunroof option and wheel upgrades for any car i looked a while ago i think...
the 2nd go is what i'm talkin about. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7961553698455319397&q=strip
yea probably just don't understand it, like everybody I have the opportunity to do some work in atlanta so i've finally figured it out. the one...
welcome! I just joined a couple weeks ago and I'm surprised how often new people are joining. You may have jumped the gun saying there are no...
saw this at nopi nationals there was a tent set up, but I thought it was for Evolution. Totally same program. Also would 'complain' about the...
I'd be up for parking deck... We could get a doubled up sonic shot. There were two others at nopi out of the ~40(?) WRX's packin in the subaru...
spotted car AND girlfriend! she made it in the bottom left of the first pic and of course the sonic shows up. Those wheels of mine though... got...
was this the black rex? a bunch of us under where the tents were today saw a black wrx with the front right side smashes in... but come to think...
yea i did read a whole thread about tire weight that i just recollected. But I've also seen larger diameter rims with a lot less weight, but ya...
They're bein sold on here for a nice price, just want to know if it's a good choice. or 17s for that matter, which are also bein sold on here. I...
He needs to get with it and get online!
Blue WRX licenese plate DRUMMIN. GF called to say she saw you coming out of work.
Saw 'em wave just as he passed, not sure what year think it was an STI. Sugarloaf between 29 and old norcross' EDIT: So I realize I put blue...
Separate names with a comma.