generally the escort rates up their with the valentine. i had to make a long trip over the new years holiday, so i dropped by and bought the...
what exactly is that from TIC? is it just a stock WRX hub with longer studs? about 6gun. supposed to be a great upgrade for WRX hubs. However...
i'd do my research on the nissan/datsun pumpkins. maybe you can use the ring and pinion. i doubt you can use the whole unit. seems like i read...
reviews of motherboards, cpus, memory, sound and video cards: abxzone and anandtech. then buy at newegg also has reviews of...
you can jump on a plane and be in salt lake city in a good deal less time than it takes to drive to NC. theres 6 to 8 killer hills there. havent...
this is absolutely true. however.. you may find yourself having so much fun with your foot in it you find yourself forgetting to take your foot...
all my laptops are dell. but all have been workstation class (medium sized not the really big ones) and have been pleased. i always buy dells...
GTE has had the top rep in atlanta for around 30 years or more. back when the only game in town was turbo tom turboing L-series datsun motors in...
my take. both are more or less equal in results. AP is cool for quick tuning which i did my self. do 3rd gear run, pull over open log with...
yep. no stations close to gainesville. you could do what i do assuming you have a place to store the stuff. have a number of 15 and 20...
convert romraider to run on it, then code up a tactrix 2.0/usb interface to connect it to then use your droid as a logging and display device. i...
"Never get involved in a land war in Asia"
i wouldnt get the new HD because it supported LTE. LTE is in limited release. i need a phone that works everywhere. However, it does support all...
Looking at the incredible.. wait a bit, verizon is about to get the inredible HD, which supposedly is verizon's version of the EVO and supports...
though i kept all the receipts, i dont know exactly what i spent. but at the end of the day i think i got as much out of a stock wrx as YOU SHOULD...
i woulda thought it would have been between droidx and fascinate. my sister looked at the three.. incredible, fascinate and droidx and...
had mine done in august. im in cobb. e85, evoIII16g, cobb single high flow cat tbe. pde up, id1000s turboXS top mount, grimmspeed ebc, self...
they dont sell e85..
i have a 2003 WRX. i tuned it myself. ended up with cobb turbo back, evoIII 16g, ID1000 injectors, larger topmount, PDE uppipe, e85. cobb...
HAR! me too.. DOT.NET? I have tons of experience in MS stuff. i have no certs though. they help sometimes in getting a job. not sure if they...
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