Launching w/a lightened flywheel is different b/c of less rotating mass (inertia), which results in less bottom end torque. It must be slipped for...
You can feel NOS for 500 bucks!
225 50 16 is equl to stock diameter
anyone know a silver bugeye in Cartersville area? Seen on Euharlee Rd. often. Rumor has it he stopped by my house a few weeks ago when I wasn't...
An air pocket can form in the return hose from the resevoir to the pump even when the lines aren't opened. This happened to me recently after a...
The reason for tank drain is to not get gas spilled from the pump assy. inside the car. Just be careful and use some old towels and stuff for...
Does anyone know a place that stocks the one step colder iridiums BKR7IEX? I FRIED the hell out of mine screwing w/ my car and all of my local...
If you're mildly modded the flywheel won't be that big of a deal, otherwise I'd install first for sure.
jpeg, got the avatar going, that's enough of this crap for now
attempt # 2! @#$%&^%
Just seeing if this works, I'm not very computerish (new word for ya)
. Brandon Keller, 944 3. Dana Palmer YuNGDZ 5. Alex Moore (AK_Raptor) 7. Matthew Przybyslawski (mattprzy) 9.Doug Ruffus (ronin21) 11.Scott...
I installed the Ixis pitch stop mount yesterday. The part looks great and fit perfectly. There are 3 different bushings to choose from and I went...
pm goixis, he has a nice one!
That really stinks but doesn't surprise me at all. In my experience it sounds like a pretty reasonable occurence, I don't believe you're being...
I have that set up and any cheap grinder will work. I'll do it for you if you feel like driving to Marietta tomorrow, shoot me a pm.
I have access to system wiring diagrams but won't be at work 'til Wednesday. Electrical stuff is one of my stronger areas so I'm sure I could help...
I want to preregistor to for as early as possible! I will be there for sure to dyno! Spot 5 or seven is good but will take what I CAN GET
I've done this before. Pregnancy is not a "pre-existing condition". If you have prior health coverage, make your cobra payments without a 30+ day...
Separate names with a comma.