I think they were talking about me in the elevator!:fawk:
just wait this month im going being partying like there is no tommrow! But ill make sure that there no barfing involved!
jdm pink:gfight:
My REX is becoming the ghost of wrxguy moster or new sti! Oh yeah at crystal method!
Divorce is not fun! But when i get my settlement check it will be!:sx:
I'll be offically divorced by this friday! woot! :bowdown: Go Me! No more long nights looking over paper work! No more nights getting pissed off...
goto picasaweb.google.com to sign up for free photo storage and also its nice because it links up with gamil. On the web interface for gmail...
happy birthday!
happy bday!
nope its not good for the sti.
happy brithday!
It was a said day that when they decied to stop showing the WRC on speed!
pm me some details
nice 7 teams all ready.... Keep it up guys!
women or men?:gaysex:
Just wait youll get yours sooner or later!
I guess that the xgames are going to be doing rally racing this year. But there not going have any real coverage from espn witch sucks!...
didn't you know i have connections. One call and few russian will come over and rent a wood chipper.........wait why am i telling you this again?...
dont matter if hide to end of the earth ill find ya one way or another!
Separate names with a comma.