I think thats it, not sure.
Lol, pro.
i think hes pulling your leg.
You didnt have to make separate posts for each pic.
I think me and StillSlow are going to switch trunks. He has an STi and he wants to go wingless. Lol
Wassup, lets see pix of the wrx.
Lol you guys have no clue.
Who is that! Im always in my parking lot when i see the car, its a black 05 i think with an exhaust.
SICK, car looks clean too.
haha i have no idea. i didnt even see another wrx
I have a few private servers if yall want to aim_map or something. Dont forget i already beat cs, on expert with a usp only. Heres the ip,...
I want PIXTURES. thats right i said it "pixtures" welcome d-_-b
Lol team fortress is lame. Lets get on some source, ill show you wassup.
Well find out if it works on the 04 and i will for sure buy it.
But i want one!!!!
Im looking for a good turbo timer that is easy to install. I ran into jwolf? at petco last night and he showed me his but i forgot the make of it....
Was on some random road off of Abernathy when i went to turn around a White STi rolls by gave me the wave, who was that?
Separate names with a comma.