In case you want to avoid the madness, this is Costco's regular price with GPS Antenna as well ($99).
Doug, I already have an appointment tomorrow... Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 5:30pm for my LGT Protune (bringing AP).
I'm in for that deal. I'll call when you guys get in.
Another free one here:
So in Turkey, white lines mean nothing and no such thing as tailgating.
Installed with startup clip. [img] [img]
Gratz John.
A little of both. I'll wait until someone with skill and enterprising skills starts doing them :)
Check this thread...
Thanks for clarifying that Moose. Never had a use for real time maps.
AP flashes ECU with a base map that replaces stock map. Feasibly, the AP could have another 9 maps that can be run real-time (connected to...
AP here and am ready to get protuned as other tuners have got very good results over the base AP Stage II Map.
meh, i lost interest
The evo blue color is da best.
Hold down brake pedal, push accelerator till 2500 rpm, lift off brake pedal, hold on to wheel.
Updated with UDSM version Pics.
Bah, I don't want to drive to NH or to get more torque. [img] TDC is getting some nice numbers with Protune on LGT 5EAT's...
Separate names with a comma.