My buddy introduced me to Cope a couple years ago. Good stuff.
i miss making quadruple hamburgers at brittain
Also should mention that its reading 0.00 at idle. I'm starting think maybe our choice in which vacuum line to tap into may have been wrong...
That is right, right? '02 EJ205, stock ECU which has a target of 13.3 psi IIRC. For a while I had been seeing a spike up to about 15 psi, now...
Clean 04 STi, exhaust, not dropped, strange decals on front quarters. Avenue de Libertadad, Pallermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina Also spotted a...
Didnt realize how hard it was to get to...:werd:
I`ve only seen one scooby while down here. I looked like about an `05 STI with a really odd trunk and no wing.
So I was in Buenos Aires the whole time Rally Argentina was going on (in Uruguay now, much nicer), and could I get my friends to take the 10 hour...
I think all in all it took me about 4 hours, just spread out over a couple days while I waited for parts/electricty. I'm right off Flat Shoals...
fo sho. thats what i be usin at work. this site however is primarily static pages, with a little php and fancy pants javascript here and there.
Yeh, I've submitted the site map to the engines, and I've been hitting the blogosphere pretty hard. I haven't hit those specific sites yet, I'll...
Only 13 people followed my link... bastards. :gaysex:
Bastards took my link off wiki... :squint:
If you are one of the 3 people that saw Be Kind Rewind, then you might know what sweded films are. Either way I set up a site called...
Just an update. The car is running like crap again. I'm guessing I have a leaky gasket somewhere. I already knew I got a bad seal on the downpipe...
I dunno what forum this is most suitable for, but if anybody knows of any particularly 'lenient' emissions shops (if you catch my drift), please...
As soon as we get internet again.... :cool: Just 2 out 3. I can't believe that one got away, but I wounded him, so he probably didn't get...
Everybody knows that swapping out the up-pipe can be a big PITA, but this weekend I discovered a way to bump that up a notch. (My old one had a... haven't tried it myself yet.
I have your gift certificate to Love Racing, if you can figure out what it is.
Separate names with a comma.