Prob. bad gas unless you have a lot of miles on your car.?
It looks you failed on nox.usu. egr malfunction or possibly cooling system poor performance.,can be too much timing advance.(running lean? excess...
since you are measuring toe off of the wheels and not at the suspension then if the rims are bigger and the car is toed in or out then they(the...
You might need an align if you are changing rim size.It can affect toe a little if you are not running zero toe.
As far as I know o2 sensors can affect fuel economy.Some cars use them modify the amount of fuel injected.It could explain why it was getting...
What were the numbers?what part did it fail on.?What was too high? hc = unburned fuel,(misfire?), nox = too high combustion temperature, (running...
isn't that like almost 40K$ here.?That is sti territory.
Toyota is on the other end of the spectrum when it comes to sporty.Most all of the cars feel blah on the road.quiet,mushy,slow,etc.
What year is the car? On some models you can do an injector balance test to see if one is restricted.Also did you do a compression test yet?Did...
I like their beer but the black and tan version.I too have to smuggle-I mean get it from other sources.
Do you sell the invidia downpipe for 250$ individually??
easy.two bolts.
They are gonna do what makes $$..Toyota that is. They are already outselling everyone else..But it does not make sense to leave out a market...
I need front pads.(like now)..(we have some tacoma pads that fit and look the same for 60$ here at work but not sure how they would work.)
The following is a list of all of the current sports cars Toyota currently sells:
Thanks will. +thanks nsvwrx.that is half of what I think is wrong with my wifes trans.
Yes .but only at random.It usu.seems to take a 20 min ride or so for it to happen but then it will sometimes do it right away and then not for a...
Not all o.b.d. 2 machines scan the v.i.n. and not all computers have the v.i.n.written into them. It appears there is still ways to clean-pipe a car..
Probably almost no one here has an automatic but I thought I would try any way.My wifes 92X trans.acts up at times. It will not engage first...
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