M16? know how I know you're a fucking idiot and play too many video games? hope you don't accidently shoot yourself, kid. you might put your...
find a sitter. I sent out an email to my asshole friends email list trying to drum up some interest. I'll be there regardless. brett: I get off...
that RSV4 made 178hp at the REAR WHEEL with a flash. jesus
biggest I could find. it was on purpose so you can awe in its beauty
my new car choices all get 10-18 mpg :|
oh. my. fucking. god. background'd
I saw him flip the ball on his hitch one morning you guys need a PR man?
damn. might be in for the free rides
a story you won't find in the young adult section of your local L5P bookstore. pussy.
he never said it was a new shop
I'm drunk.
you didn't come meet me, cupcake
just didn't want anyone to go to the source of the stupid pool expecting miracles
I wouldn't ask bomjoon for a fucking thing related to guns. don't confuse lots of guns with someone who knows what the fuck they are talking about.
think I'll sit this one out actually, I will leave this here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTkp9UqVVHs
yup. goddamnit - now it's going to turn into digg and we'll need somewhere else
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