where? have penis, will travel something I've been meaning to do is crack open a tallboy in the middle of spin class. you know, something light...
only when you attend with me. don't we usually share a towel?
cue run on sentence: at least I don't have to wear a ghey spandex suit while riding a stationary bicycle, all the time giving motivational...
when are you coming into town
just as a point of clarification: the OS version has nothing to do with ease of rooting
new phone is much more difficult. involves a hex editor
too bad motorola got ahold of the hardware
could I join the patriot guard with my R6? probably not. goddamn JAP BIKES
you should get an iPhone. the one with the wifis and more geebees
if you're interested in a 6MT swap in the next few weeks I can hook you up
I lump them all in the same boat :wiggle:
you think you're so goddamn funny, don't you? I might have some alone time with your pillows and sheets
pretty much this. I don't understand where all this "sleep on the couch," and "you're in the dog house" bullshit came from I laugh at all my...
ah, religion.
the problem with going on these dates is that THP will be out in full force by then. there will be very little "fun" to be had on the roads
looks like you need a shortblock *hint hint*
it was parked behind your house yesterday.
fry's sells that?
you forgot me, asshat.
Separate names with a comma.