It was being very slow to take to the new database setup. I am in the middle of re-creating the sub-domain and such so that wap access is restored.
Would you look at that, it worked.
Test bump.
Wirelessly posted Nice. Thanks for sharing!
Shit, there goes the neighborhood.
man this thing is badass!
bump for the 1st wrxatlanta meet :D :D :D :ky: :hug:
The supporting members' lounge is now open and visible to all supporting members ;)
I am super duper permissions guru :)
Sorry about the permission foul up before, all supporting members were intended to see this sub-forum but instead saw event planning. Cheers,
Could it be? Is this image hosted via forum powered image host system? Why yes, yes I think it is. Is it better than imageshack or such? Of...
Good, everything seems to be working thus far nicely :)
thread seems to be picking up some interest...
making progress ;)
nice....very nice.
test :o
Separate names with a comma.