Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House!: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; en-us; Amaze_4G Build/IML74K) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like...
Had the same pizza...I'm ok. Didn't Chip and Drew also have the same pizza?
Yes...they will be fine. So, DIY or have someone like me do it or pay a shop to spray them out...those are your options.
He lives in Roswell and apparently has issues merging.
That's because they were probably sleeping when you sent your email. Patience.
HDPE track day. Learn to drive the car before you mod it.
Oh...he's doing good, he's not used to eating so fast...but, mentions that he gets Taco Salad and Bacon Ranch Chicken sandwiches.
As many of you might know, Sparta (Dana) is about 1/2 way through U.S. Navy Boot Camp. Some of us already know how bad boot camp sucks and you...
Yes...I personally know of 5.
Sounds like someone will be competing in 3gun?
I thought you had to screw in a bolt into that hole on the front face the rotor and tighten it until it breaks free.
Separate names with a comma.