Yes I think butler tire and weaver tire in marietta.Butler has several locations not sure if they all do it.
ummmmm beeeeeeer.(quoting homer simpson) I too am a fan of-Yuengling.I smuggle I mean I purchase it from another place that is not here.Next...
Is it a dead end hole? I don't know on subarus but have been able to helicoil a toyota or two.If this is into the block you want to repair it...
This HP desktop that I am using now.
If it is just the module it should be ok.But if there is an airbag behind I am not sure.All of the ones I have seen(usu. toyota) pop out from...
I wish I could get those kind of performance gains for so little $..
I too have a lot of shoes esp.running/trail shoes.Unfortunately Nike does not do too well for me in the performance dept.
Me and my car love the cold air. I still drive with at least one of the windows down at least a little.(even though I might have the heat going...
24.5 last night and we saw a few snowflakes on Sunday.
That is when you get up and leave.
thanks for the info.may order online factory pads. If I was to try the Hawks which ones work best for street driving. I do go up to the mountains...
I called SOG and they quoted me 159$ for front pads for my 06 wrx. has anyone had to do brakes on an 06 yet? Looking for some a lot less $$.I work...
right now we were told to do obd test and gas cap test only. no visual inspection.if your readiness monitors are complete and no check engine...
my wife carries the 9000s and loves it. light,small and easy to shoot.looks good too(the gun) my wife looks good but that is not the topic at hand
does it grind all the time or only when you start? It possibly could damage the flywheel. If you payed someone to install your trans. I would see...
The forest service roads around the cohutta are pretty rough lately. the roughest I have seen since I started going up there regularly in 2000 or...
not sure if you can but examine the two coiled wires in maf, if visible.(never looked at one yet) if there appears any residue i would clean off...
if you use it use the copper and use it sparingly...Work at toyota and do not use.plugs stay in cars up to 100k.
I remember when i lived in NJ that almost any mods where forbidden.We got in trouble with an otherwise stock 4cyl w/only an aftermarket muffler,it...
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