Should be fine. When you go get an estimate on how much it is gonig to cost to fix it go to a body shop that you know well, or somewhere like...
If you have different insurance from the guy that hit you then that is a good thing. You insurance company doesnt want to pay to fix your car, so...
Good good. Good luck with their insurance company, cas most of them act like a*sholes when paying out for stuff.
I guess partial sex might refer to just a handjob or something of that sort.
:( The other people's insurance is paying for it right?
Nice car. Welcome.
If it is bad if you laughed, I will save you a seat in Hell.
That makes since, but if you lower the car as much as what you are refering to it will ruin the handling of the car anyway due to the lack of...
But couldnt this issue be caused by raising the car up alil more more? lol Sounds like user error to me.
Another very good point, I didnt think about that but now I am remember from my research from my sentra that is one of the issues people were...
You are right, but the coilovers will provide camber plates and adjustable ride height. A good spring to use that has adjustable ride height is...
Very nicely done. I found this on another...
Jesus... lol
This run is going to be an epic cluster f*ck... lol
OOOOoooooOOOO... That sounds good right about now...
Spring\Strut combos are good to a point, but if you want real performance you are going to need to get some coilovers. This will help with be able...
haha, That pretty awesome.
I love those cars. VERY nice find.
I dont know much quite yet about these subaru things, but I do know that the 5spd trannies are very weak and the break easy. If your tranny is...
Separate names with a comma.