Yesterday I was going down Abernathy and I passed a WRB Wagon around 1:30. He turned onto Peachtree Dunwoody. Today around 12:45 I saw a...
Their family is all about cars. His dad bought his older brother a brand new custom wrangler rubicon. I was deciding between a WRX and a...
I tried waving to this guy and stuff, but he didn't wave back. He had a really loud muffler on the car too.
Lol. He sits in the parking lot revving his engine. STIs are HOT though. That'll be my next car, but first I need a job. Right now I'm...
That's probably this kid that goes to my HIGH SCHOOL who got a BRAND NEW 2005 STI. Not fair. :-( I guess I can't complain as a WRX is still...
I was driving home just now (about 4:45) and I came up behind a silver WRX, bug eye, with altezzas and grey rims with a silver lip. This was on...
SkullWRX, Yeah I've been to Berkeley before. My dad went there for his masters and I go to Cali like 3-4 times a year. I love California and...
Yeah, I want to go to Berkeley and supposedly they accept 4s and above, or at least I'm hoping. (if i even get a 4)
I just finished my two AP finals: AP World History and AP Statistics. I'm hoping for a 4 on both, but one of the essays for Ap world was a bitch...
Ouch! Glad you're okay. What all needs to be replaced?
It sounds like the front, but I could easily be wrong.
Whenever I go over any kind of speed bump, my car always makes like a bouncing noise or something. I am not sure what it is. I am thinking it...
I parked by a silver 2005 WRX at Best Buy next to Perimeter mall. I went inside to the car stereo area to ask about amp wiring kits and all that...
What's with those ugly ugly grills?
I don't remember exactly where on 285E, but it was like 3:00 maybe? I don't think it was you because I've seen pictures of your car and this...
Lol. When I first read your post, I was like "DAMN!"
I just made a deal for an Infinity 6-channel amp and an Infinity 10" Kappa Perfect 10 sub in a custom box for $320. The sub and map are a couple...
I saw a bugeye silver wagon at chic-fil-a yesterday by the perimeter pointe movie theatres. I also saw an 04-05 WRB sedan going onto 85S today....
Shouldn't this be in the eye candy forum? :cool: :bowdown:
After I spend 3 hours cleaning my car on Saturday, my car is already yellow with pollen. Has anyone else suffered from this?
Separate names with a comma.