what time
at cumberland mall in fornt of sears at about 630 on sunday... i waved to him but i wasnt in may car .... he had a chik with him...... anyone wee know
i think im too late bu this sounds like a great ideea maybe if ihave more notice
the wrb wrx on 85 north wasme i think.... near north point you had a passenger and we were stuck in traffic????
found this link for some nasty pics http://www.nbc4.tv/news/4562562/detail.html#
i really like the smaller headlights.... but i cant stand the rest of the front end.... <----- is also glad he didnt hold out for an 06
anyone now anything that might be going on tonight.... i really have the itch to hear some exhausts and look at some car tonight
guys ill be ther i want to check out some of your mods so i can get an idea for what stuff i want for mine.... but i dunno where the deck is????
hmmm.... im not sure it was prolly about 9 i guess..... but i dunno.... oh well whomwver it was sounded bad a**
thanks for the link .... gave me some great ideas..... this is the first turbo engine i have ever delt with so all this is new to me ...... i have...
i didnt get a good look at it but it was lightin color with some decals and a very nice sounding exhaust.... if anyone knows who might have...
well im acctually living in norsross right nowif that makes a differance to anyone...
anyone wann ride tonight..... i could really use it as i am very bored and had a horrble day..... i would pretty much meet anyone inside the...
yeah i have to agree the wheels/tire package sux.... that andthe windoware also going to bedone as soonas the money come in
right nowiamjust looking for intake exhasut upgrades ..... the other stuff i will do later.... i am still waiting on an insurance check from my...
welli have planned onsuspensionmodsas well.... nut i came froma camaro so for nowthis thinghandle better thanihavefor a long time... andispent...
well i was planning a uppipe and catback but i dunno
whta time on the 25th i will have to work at three in midtown.... i could come early if that is at al lpossible
oh another question about hte exhaust .. is the eevo obnoxiously loud... people have told me this but as i said i havnt ever heard one..
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