Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House!: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.4; en-us; HTC_Amaze_4G Build/GRJ22) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like...
got my email about this recall today.
Bump...anyone want to go tonight?
Anybody going out tonight to get anything? Got your eye on something you just can't pass up? Post up what you are getting/got. Fyi...Walmart...
I'll be there after work on Friday.
I fixed it before you posted... Asshole lives for that shit... :squint:
My sister is going to her b/f's grandma's house and I really haven't been seeing my g/f long enough to go home with her to NC...so, I'm wondering...
The wap tab at the top still points to wap.WRXAtlanta.com, instead of m.WRXAtlanta.com
I showed up...just after y'all left.
You just need to become a supporting member of WRXAtlanta to get the discount. Just picked up two starter kits...one for me and one for 420....
I think I'm in shock. How many zip ties were used?
Damn thing takes a good video...or at least the editing is good. http://m.jalopnik.com/5852739/iphone-4s-captures-essence-of-subaru-love
I said, "god damn!" somewhere around the 3:00 mark. Great driving!
Just take it with you the next time you go to AllPro for an oil change. Gazaway is directly across the street.
Separate names with a comma.