A club in Mississippi that I race in.
Someones avatar?
Clean your injectors if you know how to. That was what was wrong with a friends car so I cleaned them and it stopped the low idle and sputter.
Sorry didn't mean to say valve. Sound. Probably a belt. My cousins always had a screeching belt.
IACV maybe? plus something else to make the screeching valve...?
Yeah I love SCCA races. I have only placed 2nd one time in my life. I lost to a Lotus though. And I was driving a Formula car. :rofl:
Well, a truck does help me when it comes to hauling my trailer with Motocross bikes and gear and tools, but I can always use my mom's SUV. :) And...
I think I'm sticking with the Subie. I don't know why I am always worrying about it though. I guess that I don't really have to worry about it if...
I just got my Subie and I am not allowed to have more than one car.
Haha. I wish. That would be great!
Ok heres the deal so everyone gets it straight: If the subie is sold, the money for it will go into a Jeep Wrangler on 38 inch tires. I am not...
Thanks. I know that I have to deal with my heavy foot, but its hard when I grew up doing 50mph plus through the air. I just think I would be less...
Well, I've been doing that since I was 4 or so, so thats pretty much a part of my life. I've broken god knows how many bones doing it, buts that...
Thanks for the advice guys. I am still deciding on what to do. There are some pros and cons to both. The WRX: Pros: I love the car, I like the...
So I got some news yesterday that no one in my family, besides my Dad, likes that I have a sports car and they think that I am going to die in a...
I was on nastysock and read that wrx's are not supposed to run synthetic oil?? Is this true?
You could wait till your band goes to the big time then you could afford it... Or a new STi:sx:
Roll tide roll!!!
Any honey?
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