berzerkio states big mac over whopper i believe.... on the other side... how long ago was it that mcdonalds came out with the commercial that...
whopper all the way!
you hit it on the nose right there!
i was jsut pointing out how the thread made it look... lots of good info for people in here though who dont understand how bov's and recirc. work!
so i have a bov that can be ran both atmospheric and recirculating... if im getting tuned then it doesn't really matter which i do.. that is...
let me know too!
video of the legacy... cant even hear the thing running...
nice to hear about the diesel subie, i posted up a long time ago when i read about it in a magazine... i cant wait to see one built... i know the...
eyelids look good... you could still do a light tint over the lights just to give it the murdeered out look... bigger scoop will really seal the...
sweet azz ride man... the wheels and suspension give that thing a sick look.. you think about tinting the headlights and tail lights at all?
yeah... people went a little crazy... i wouldnt doubt if she never shows to any get 2
check out the get 2 gether section!
well i worked at the one in canton and i know they can normally get you right in and out cause they are new and arent too busy but you might have...
g and s auto does it for like 40 something for a basic four wheel... not sure where you are located but there is one in canton woodstock and three...
yeah that is what i am talking about with the new scoring shit... i think its bull too...
lol...thats great... im more for the x games with the ralley cross but some of the things the athlete's can do is amazinng to watch, i could only...
i think the gymnastics is a little iffy myself... i dont like their knew scoring method that a higher difficulty with a poor execution can win...
not rice but its bad enough.... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
no thnaks i will pass
thread jack... name that
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