joe.... i'll still haven't forgiven you yet.... all of the weeks I wasn't home you had to put it in my garage that week!
Happy bday!
They should do an 08 in pink next..... if that doesn't work go...
dude... apu has way too much hair [img] I look like a young Edna Krabappel..... [img]
I have no idea... I mean they have been debating the AC debate for ST cars for like six months now! It's just the way a big organization is. You...
You should go to the Subaru Challenge in Gainesville, FL on the 25th! Great way to start to get your name out there in Florida. Brian and I will...
Here's what our Chief Safety Steward pmed me
The 245-45-17 is a RE01.... the 275 is a v710.... pretty similar but I'll take what I can get :). There is talk on SCCAforums about whether the 07...
It seem like they could have possibly attracted more people if the classing had some parallels with SCCA Solo II/Club Racing or NASA TT Program.
Nope :( somethings you can backdate.... I know a final drive isn't allowed in Street Prepared so that must throw you in prepared.... a class...
Milo I feel your pain..... with my 275-40-17 v710s on stock rims I can only reach about 59 mph in second gear which hurts on most nationals style...
FYI you'd be better off dumping the clutch... I dump at 6000 rpms (it's a completely stock engine/em). I used to slip the clutch and get awful...
The issue is the alcohol as well as spraying while on course. While in grid people are free to cool their tires and engines/intercoolers with...
Fuel pump is not an alcohol injection.... the issue is mainly safety. As soon as the head safety steward gets back to me I'll post up his...
I would just empty out your tank and turn it off for the challenge.. I don't think a full tank of methanol in your trunk would pass tech.
I've just pmed the chief of saftey about this.... Fuel pumps are not the same as alcohol injection..... and anything that is not listed in the...
15.10(C)(2) states: "Except for standard parts as defined in these rules, the external use while on course of liquids, ice, dry ice,...
Separate names with a comma.