funny video~
yeah i didnt want to be an ass tryin to get in front and wave just to get noticed.... aka ricer syndrome lol plus there were lots of cars....
i was gonna wave but the traffic was bad. so i just followed. and got off at exit 13.
well we went last sunday and the whole time we were driving the rocks came up. i might have to repaint my front bumper/ hood. and new windshiled....
i had a blast when i went w/ evoga///se guys. there was just too much gravel and rocks but still had fun. first 5 min of the ride i was like...
yeah we are getting together ... looks like around 11ish if you guys can join it be great. its channel 3 on radio so if you are close hit us...
wow~ that thing looks expensive. cool sound. starting around 2min.
hey~! look who is #1. hehe evo~! yay~! (im so gettin banned for this...) lol surprised to not see any wrxs ... i thought they start...
grey colors are the best. fyi mine is grey. hehe with LEE package. (Limited Evolookin Edition.) i sometimes go down p'tree ind. but...
every post i make something is expensive.... LOL im not cheap but i tend to skimp on eating outside.
cho won buffet. they are good but on the expensive side for a buffet.
LOL thats exactly what i do. they still dont understand sometimes and ask questions... later i found out that they were asking me how hot do...
chipotle is expensive ... 10$ for a butrrito and coke? gimme a break. i live near gainesville area and the restaurants there have the...
man~! i wish evo community can do that sorts of stuff. seems like alot of the evo owners ... hate each other? no.... but subaru...
i was gonna get the sti but i looked at it at the dealer the new front end just wasnt my taste. i guess that was the main reason i got the evo....
mine is 35% and cops still pull me over. i guess grey inside/out color doesnt help.
WTF!!! hAHA that kind of shop would do well in ATL. the kid on the playground.... i feel bad for her. hope she doesnt see the reruns when...
LOL !!! may be the 1 on front of 5 came off.... ???
hey~ thats my car w/o FQ400 stuff... anyway its a great vid. couldnt see the 1st one though.
i signed long ago...
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