Westboro is like the epitome of what a Christian shouldn't be like, claiming to be "good" Christians.. Lol.
Yeah. It would look really ghetto with 2 different pipes. Lol.
Hahah. Yeah. That video is hilarious!
Maybe. I'll think about it.
Oh, goodness... That's how it starts, Michael! THAT'S HOW IT STARTS!
Yeah. You do not want that happening. It was pretty bogus too.
lol breel
Yeah man. Hope it's fixable. Like, back to normal, fixable. Lol.
Good to hear, Justin! Doesn't matter about video quality, we just want to see it. Lol.
lolwut. Out of town again? That's okay. I took the short shifter bushing that I know you probably desperately need, and I don't. Lulz...
Wood blocks are your best friend.
Unless it's a Type-R, waste of time and money. I love the Type-Rs.
ffffffffffffffffUCK I should've just missed class... Missed a lot of fun stuff. Though the teacher did give us an important heads up about our...
Wow. Pretty cool. That's stuff you see in games.
I'm pretty sure a handful of members, if not a lot, have ramps. Bixs uses them. They seem to be pretty handy, and I may go pick some up.
Awesome 2.5RS man. I'm envious. I was close to taking out a loan for a 2.5RS in North Carolina, but was pressed for time so I ended up with my 3....
Separate names with a comma.