^^ Its my GF.. I just asked her about that. She says all Credit card tips are automatically claimed, and she doesn't claim cash tips at all......
Well, I guess anyone working for tips... I just did my girlfriends taxes for 2008, this is the 3rd year I have done them. She is a server for Wild...
Hmm.. didn't hear they had a new one.. Their last few offerings were pretty weak.. The one with Intergalactic and the last one (something about 5...
Looked pretty sweet in the commercials during the Superbowl... Hate to sound shallow though, but I don't think I could get over the brand.. not...
Wow... I thought the previews looked good. Now with these glowing reviews, I might have to take out a 2nd mortgage and go see it at the theaters....
If your asking me.. I still don't know... No info after 2 weeks or however long its been...
Which event are you talking about?
Looks pretty cool.... don't have the time off/$$$ to drive out to Nevada for a week or so.. but 90 miles would def. be enough room to get to top...
I hate when there are zombies on the road... such a traffic hazzard...
Not sweating it... Granted I wasn't here in 93', but... every time I here about a "SERIOUS!" snow storm here, it turns out to be nothing... maybe...
Welcome! Live right around the corner, I'd go to an event for sure...
I'll go against the grain and say... meh, not so much.
Add me to the casualties... Tried the drive-by on my way home from work, talked to Jason and another guy in the parking lot, hoping to catch Dana...
Happy Birthday man!
Had mine for a year with no issues.. its the 80gb though. And as far as backwards compatability, I've tried at least 10 PS2 games that have played...
Weird... I'm actually going there tonight when I get off work... They have the best nacho's ever. Their like 8 bucks, and their huge! Me and 2 of...
I'm not saying I wouldn't go fishing with the man...
Will, explain your theory that the F-22 is falling to the same fate as the F-14... The tomcat was phased out because its a 40+ year old platform....
Late in the Nasioc post the address is corrected, he's not in Powdertown, he's in Snellville....
Signed... this is my favorite jet (which is blasphemy because I worked on F-16's in the AF).... :) They can't let the raptor go away, what going...
Separate names with a comma.