That happened to me. Except I was close enough that when I slammed on my brakes, I was sandwiched between a Sequoia and a Taurus. Tires didn't get...
E63. Do it.
HAHAH! Bad choices. Lolol
Hahah. Oh man. That's nuts. I'm always hesitant to try to tailgate and follow someone through those gates.
Oooh. I thought it was just the angle giving it a darker look.' Do a whole R205 conversion. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Welcome, Jenny! You can go ahead and stop browsing IA. You're with better people now. Hahah.
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Those brakes look super beefy. Also, is the only thing different about the fender that black stripe?
Yeaaaah. Try to go with the real one. Lol. It looks weird.
Do it. It'll look really good. Actually, even better, CF spoiler. LOL
This. What the FUCK could that lady have been doing to not see this man decked out in BLUE GEAR with a BLUE BIKE. mfl texting.
Ironically, I was in my English class when I typed that.
How much does said buddy charge per wheel?
WHAT?! You didn't bring it out you LIAR! ASYFO*(&#%*( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Cool said.
Separate names with a comma.