bahahaha:rofl: i needa get my mind outa the gutter
so i finally got the hks carbon ti, and i've been to a few muffler shops saying they cant do anything... nopi doesnt have a part number for the...
no way man, have you seen top gears review? its definately better then a exige cause you can see and feel everything
weekly wrxatl orgy, what else is there to do?
nice, would that happen to be tenacious d?
HAHAHA omg that doug one is great
yea, i do just so happens that a bunch of my friends room in all of 1st floor lol
lol yea i parked in the same lot on west campus, i was just visiting some friends and saw your car
I saw a black 06/07 wrx at tech, west campus with rota p45's i think im guessing that its jayj?
nice greg....we're one step closer to having wrxatlanta turning into a law enforcement community... lol make the sti a patrol car!
those are the EXACT pictures that i saw on nasioc that made me change my mind on the 08's just like the 06/07's they're growing on me slowly
would happen to be in that korean league? i went on every sunday and thursday for the $1 and they always seem to be there.
hey i think i saw you there before, its the one on spalding drive right? well damn man thats pretty good, take a picture of it? maybe, i haven't checked that place out in awhile though
holy, i didnt expect that
i like what you did with the headlights, never thought about that when i did mine, i did the whole outside aswell nice
i like it
heh, nice re-find yeah thats pretty bs for clean looking, still in casing bullets.
wait...what was it!??!?!
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