so is S.L.U.T. a new sponsor to ? is that on the list for the subaru challenge?
YOu have some sausage sponsors?
:naughty: Alex make sure you introduce Ming to Brent :naughty: So alex you have some Super Uber Top Secret way to go or maybe a...
Clay you been working out :) Looks sunny in that pic. hope your wearin sunscreen :)
Same color as yours. All I saw was a white guy driving it and an aftermarket exhaust. Wasn't paying to much attention since my wife and baby...
I am going to do my best to get over there. I will introduce you to Brent for sure. If I dont make it look for the bald guy, i mean clay, Aka...
Top Secret Info....Check your PM's
We do live in atlanta right? Last week on 285 at 7pm dead stopped heading east :( So unpredictable , oh well
Good lord. raped ape is an understatement LOL Nice numbers
Be sure you guys get plenty of pictures :) Last years pictures were good and looking forward to some more from this year.
I may heading over that may ming. Traffic was not to bad last time I went over, but we are in atlanta.
Randy do the eThugs get some represenation on Friday and Saturday or a shout out :) Just playing. Glad the event will be happening this year...
or u better be with brent.
I think brent would win that war. He would use his pink princess wand to magical turn SS into a Frog :O
You werent reving on a Black sti (me) on umm saturday by chance around 5pm or so North on 400. The evo got off at haynes Bridge.
Your neighbors must be loving all the subaru's over the house every week LOL
welcome to the boards :)
We have enough of us up between exits 9 and 17. when are we all going to get together for some grub or something?
doesnt look to bad. Still not found on the body style.
where on 400? I am off of 13
Separate names with a comma.