Is it also underdriven?
That is the Dark Knight one.
What about Indiana Jones
No clue at the moment. Figured we would collect donations, then figure it out from there. I will call his brother to see if he knows of anything...
I have seen a few WRC videos available on the Matrix.
The one that came with the camping chair?
There is nothing keeping us from saying his name, however, he does still log in occasionally. When he logs in, if he hits New Posts, there has to...
Wow, she looks so much bigger than the last time I saw her. How old is she now?
For those of you who do not know, our fearless ex-leader, the one who recently moved on to bigger and better things, in a state where everything...
When do the Mud Bug meets start up again?
Ethopia my ass. That shit was filmed in Texas, just labeled as Ethiopia
Had me thinking there for a minute.
Pretty loud is an understatement. Ridiculously loud is more like it. PS: Got my emissions checked Friday and passed. I have a catless...
Holy Shit, he's alive. What's up man?
That's awesome, yet at the same time, it sucks. Tears come to my eyes when I realize that I will never see that beautiful car in person again....
No, but my sunglasses got broken there. I am not going to mention any names, well, because I don't know who was responsible. Sucks, Oh well. Good...
Just imagine the effect that would have on our drought
I think the first time was 2 years ago. I am thinking that within the next few years, we will start seeing rally cars in Winter X games...
I would be extremely cautious if doing this to an 02-03 WRX with stock tranny. I bet within 5 or so tries, you are going to break the transmission.
Separate names with a comma.