Getting new business is a lot different than "give us money!" Government contracts are given to automobile manufacturers all the time. Someone...
Ford made one really smart move in the past couple of years that was ahead of the curve as far as US auto manufacturing goes... They started...
Damn. Should have rearranged the schedule for this. I will next time.
Probably some kind of site traffic record for awhile too.
The school is in a position where they have to fire everyone who knew about it. That is what is happening here...regardless of what anyone thinks....
I was at this one but missed the last two because of Daniel being born. I'll be at the next one as it will be right down the street from my house....
The side skirts fit surprisingly well. The rears...could be better. I am also crazy picky which doesn't help. Creates good business for you just...
Damn. I know. I guess I just need to swap the skirts and aprons out for the more subdued HT Auto's kit. That would probably work perfectly.
Clean. Nice job.
I looks like it is just hanging there doesn't it... From an angle, it looks ok but you are right about straight on. I think that is my biggest...
No pictures of any Subaru's? There weren't many there this time. As a matter of fact, I was kind of disappointed in the turn out this time over...
Yeah...sometimes you don't know how something is going to look until you put it on the car. I have seen them work on other rides...just doesn't...
On a side is a better shot of the interior with the Sparco Milano installed. I can't wait to see what JPM does with the other one. It...
I am thinking the same thing. Something about them doesn't flow. Can't quite put my finger on it...but I know it when I see it.
Unless you are taking the tires off to do it...I don't think you'll have to worry about balancing. The machine that balances wheels might screw up...
It has held up great on my lip and side skirts. I don't know how that finish looks on wheels although there are people who have done it.
So this morning I put on the rear aprons that match the side skirts... I am not sure if I really like them or not. The fitment is not the...
Installed one of the Sparco Milano's today. The blackish gray Alcantara looks pretty good, but the other seat is off at JPM Coachworks to get some...
Thanks Justin. I am really enjoying working with it.
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