Cool. Can everybody else get me deposits ASAP. Siegel
It looks like Saturday is pretty much full. 1) Supercharged Civic Si, (LSD front, very similar lines and times to a WRX) 2) ptc075 3) Milo...
Brian, If you are in for the Jan. 29 date then you are the 6th. Let me know. I need deposits for this ASAP so I can put the deposit on the...
Guys, there are TWO (2) options available immediately: 1) Saturday January 29th (this is likely the ONLY SRDIC that can be offered on Saturday...
The only Saturday option that I have been offered is Sat. Jan 29th. For February the 21-23 Mon-Wed is available. I already have a few for Sat....
*&*&*&* The school can be either January 29th, or Februaru 21-23. Let's start figuring it out. I think I might be able to fill the Saturday...
DAAAANNNNG!!! The track owner just decided to go on vacation the week before Valentines Day. I'm on the phone with the owner right now.......
Hey Guys, There were only 7 that confirmed, and only 5 right now that have picked dates. There are some people that can't make the 17th, so...
Yo, on the DL, we're cooking out today. If it's anything like last time, the steak's were great... Somebody at SoG
Just so people don't freak out, we're not holding 19 pounds to redline. It peaks and holds 19 from near 3k to near 5k then begins the taper to...
Allright, lets see who can sign up for each day. Milo, can we add days to the first post... If 2 people want to use the same car it...
I'm not sure if we can still do 9th and 10th. I know some can't do the 17th, but can some do the 16th and some the 17th? If people are itching...
Rock and roll. Any preferences for a day in Feb? Maybe we still can do two in a row...
For the normal rate we just need 5 or 6 people any Mon-Thurs. It doesn't look like we'll have the 10-12 we need for two days in a row. So lets...
Correct. Half one day, half the other. Basically 5 or 6 one day, and the other 5 or 6 the other. If your RE92's have tread all the way across...
Actually any Wed. - Thur. in January and Feb except for Feb 2-3 looks good... I need deposits to reserve the track at LEAST 2 weeks out....
I had planned on making it still 5-6 guys each day. It does not appear that most people will want to stay out there for 2 days of less track time...
Yep I'd love some decals. I'll even run some on the Miata ;) I really want to put some up at the dealership. We are moving from Smyrna to...
Dude, I totally didn't realize that was you. Duh :slap: Yeah, you gots issues. Your parents have been super cool, but for some reason they...
That's what I meant, I didn't want Genya to think it was going to be at Road Atlanta... Genya, the schools are at Talladega Gran Prix, not...
Separate names with a comma.