Hahah. A friend/former youth pastor of mine has an '05 Cooper S. He hasn't done much other than get rid of the chrome trim, paint his side view...
Hahah. I love the Epic Mount picture. That's absolutely hilarious, as I posted already. Heheh. Thanks... It was a terrible PS job, actually. It...
I'm just wondering, does anybody else have a Flickr that they use to upload pictures taken with any sort of DSLR? Here's mine;...
Yeaaah. But I also like this idea;
Wow. Well, now that I know one of the members here, Scoobiac, owns that place, I'll drop by there from time to time with friends and such. I live...
Yeah... Best Buy's Black Friday sales for games suck. For PC anyways... They had Bioshock and Assassin's Creed last year too. Regardless, I just...
Hahah. Waffle House sounds good.
I'd like to, but I'm having dinner with family and family-friends.
I think I'll join in on the fun.
I always thought the hood scoop on WRXs gave it character. Normally, I would hate the look of any car with a hood scoop, but the Impreza/WRX is a...
Ah. I see. It was raining. And we got the leftovers today... Lol
All of the 240s cancelled? Why?
Welcome, and awesome WRX! I first wanted a WRX this year (18) too. I just hope it doesn't take 25 years. Hahah.
Rofl wow. Same question as Bug-Rex. Why'd you go over them so fast?
Drove by about an hour ago. Hahah. I just wanted to see how many people went. Kind of hard to see. Yeahh.. so I wasn't able to go. Some things...
Would it be okay for new members to also RSVP? It's a maybe if yes. But if no, I understand and it's perfectly fine. Hahah.
Ahh. I see. You don't like having a top mount with the hood scoop?
I'll try and be there. Hopefully I don't have anything going on with friends or whatever next Tueday, but I'll try and come. Hahah. One of the...
Ooh! I'll be there for sure then. At 8.
Separate names with a comma.