alex: 347 welds better than 321 b/c 321 doesnt transfer high temp arc as well so it isnt recommended as a welding metal. however, 347 is...
matt, personally, i look for quality, and it usually ends up with looking for a brand name. my main point of contention is definitely quality,...
quality is king. /alex
They do make red tint, just like the black. 10th ST should be able help you out with that also;)
You will need a reflash and/or a CEL fix
WOOHOO!!!! +11tybillion for 10th street jdm!!!! SO 10th st., when is my headlight package coming in?
Topspeed, Batlground, and LiquidForce are all good choices on a swap
No, jack is a little bastard....
There's your answer, and he should know, he is in that industry
wow....9 kids? thats insane dude haha. I have no clue, so Ill just bump this up for ya
It appears from the first 2 pictures, he was in Dstock, then changed to ESP. Welcome to the site dude!
Wow....Chitown to Georgia....thats insane! Where in Chicago, BTW?
the DDP looks great, and if I wasnt working like a dog right now I would definitely sign up. Plus, there are limited spots, so you are...
He may be a local guy, but he refuses to be a vendor here which is pretty weaksauce Kartboy FTW! Also, who cares about the adjustability, when...
Another thing that may be hurting your mileage right now, is the cold starts. The car uses a lot more fuel on cold starts when it is cold out...
That looks like scoobyblkwrx
the only PSM 05 STi I can think of is mmtasty, but I dont think he would copy over a locked thread...but who knows
Umm...its still a hyundai....
Yeah, but with this setup all he has to do is push a button and have an open downpipe exhuast dump:naughty:
Separate names with a comma.