let me guess, you heard this on fox news
thought you were unemployed
is this party going to suck? if so I'll just stay at home
you guys are the sorriest lot. at least I have a good excuse (working)
one could also argue the school is his property, being a tax payer and all. I don't think they'd lock you up, probably just tell you to leave.
hrmmm you didn't even axe me if I'm coming. you just ASSumed
is this for real or is topspeed registering dummy accounts :rofl:
this is normal. the axle is designed to slide axially inside the DOJs (double offset joint) did you check the axle boots? I would guess one of...
matt you look like a homeless man (i know youre reading this)
hrmm should I come....
UTEC has no software. you just telnet in (VT100 I think but I forget) and have at it
pretty sure macs have the necessary software to connect to a UTEC. should just be terminal emulation. usb -> serial converter might do the trick...
hit up jhot in augusta. lots of cheap twin turbo motors from legacys
someone call guinness? laff
;) I keeeeeddddd
haha I think stephen got paged to this thread. hook it up man I'll come by the 13th and take her out for ya
sorry kiddo there's no un thanks button. just remember you can't undo your vote for obama either ZING
requesting service from the secretary. smokin!
or use a piece of cat3/5 with the ends crimped on so its more flexible and easier to hide/run
yeah. near 14th st
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