If we could find it, you can bet your ass we would have it. And Belvn, I was thinking 420, but SA Pale Ale is another great choice, so we will...
That has yet to be determined. Suggestions?
I aint gonna volunteer fo' shit we will talk at lunch j0e
wow hes an impressive driver. anyone see him yank up the e-brake on the second run? haha
Honestly, they are all FDIC insured, so as long as you keep it under $100k then you are fine no matter what...
wtf is soju? oh, and i am in for some whiskey
Ok, one I had heard about having higher rates than ING was Countrywide (also known as the largest mortgage lender in the US), but it appears that...
one sec, let me check around
check the first post.
ya know what...I have been meaning to throw some money in one of those online savings accounts. IIRC there are better rates out there than ING...
way to go, jackass:rofl:
I am guessing that is for his wideband
umm...wow doug your character there looks quite ghey:rofl: happy holidays yall
C0nGrAtSzZzZ MiLo YoU dEsErVe It ThAt MuSt HaVe BeEn ToUgH tO pUlL oFf DuDe. NoW, tYpInG lIkE tHiS iS aCtUaLlY qUiTe DiFfIcUlT aNd QuItE aNnOyInG
looks like youre doing a good job mike...looking forward to seeing the finished pics
price looks a little high to me, I think you can get a better deal. JL889 sold his perfect 05 STi with less miles for less than that. and by...
oh god i think that color combination looks awful...and then adding in those tail lights....hideous
I think ive seen your car a few times...is that Bellemeade rd?
OMG!!!! brian and mere coming to a non-autocross meet? OMGWTFBBQ!!!1niner!
Separate names with a comma.