You and your wife must both register and both pay an entry fee; If you simply list her as your codriver you will not be both entered.
Why not? You race ATVs right? Autox is fun and unfortunately there is never enough women running! Show your support by beating your husband/boyfriend/boytoy/sweet pea
I agree we def. need more woman out there. I just don't see me running the cones is all. I have only driven elanor 3 times. I don't want to break trust with Face so soon after I got it.
not according to the dictionary: I had teachers in school go by Ms. <insert name here>, and some of them were married. Not that this has any relevance to the thread... register the MS. for the SC!
Who ever has not signed up.....SIGN UP!!! this will be my first so any other rookies....lets do this!!!!!
His car is acutally my car... it's whored out already , seriously if you are going to come you might as well drive... autox isn't the awesomest of spectator sports, well I guess Jay will be driving my car so that's fun to watch.
I only run ladies when there is national scca contingency on the line..... it's very rare to see ladies classes at regional level events
I figured. its the same with racing quads. they have their own womens' class but there is usually only one or two in it. I just jump in with the guys.
meredith...I thought there was one other...the Dstock WRX? oh, and who knows, ash25 might sign up too
I don't know if Karen is going to show up, and Ashley might show too, but right now there is nobody else registered.
Ding ding ding...winnna! Meredith kicks our butts all the time...probably most of the reason some of the male Subaru folks on this board aren't signing up...they're afraid to lose to a girl. You know who you are... hnoes: