2013 Black STI / JPM / ETS / TSM / BallEngines

Discussion in 'Member Journals & Project Build Stories' started by digitizedsoul, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    If you route the dump back into the exhaust the flutter will probably become a lot less noticeable....I'd do that first and then decide later if you still want to switch the EBC. The SI Drive functionality is a really cool thing. Doug was the first to show me how that works in his red STi and I was impressed....much easier than getting out multiple time and twisting a dang boost controller knob.
  2. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I am with him....plumbing it back into the downpipe makes a huge difference with the fluttering.
  3. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I can get you atleast 5 maybe 6 of those things on your list of upcoming purchases. Let me know when you want to make a move!
  4. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member


    First, the car now has close to 20k on it since the (2nd) rebuild, and the big turbo setup. It's had 6 oil changes I believe not including break in, and is running as strong as the day it got tuned. There are some little annoying things I need to fix but just haven't gotten around to it. I drive it every day pretty much on 24-25psi @ 500+whp and it see's full boost and full throttle in multiple gears dozens of times per commute. It absolutely gets "used".

    UPDATE 2:
    I haven't been spending a lot of time online, here or otherwise lately and many may have noticed my absence from facebook as well. This is all part of the process as I admit to myself and my family that I was an alcoholic and addict and continue to heal and grow from that. I'm 8+wks sober now and a changed man as a result, but there is a lot of ground to cover there still.
    My focus has been on my family and my son, as it always should have been, so lesser things have had to take a backseat. I have also been avoiding sources of alcohol to not set myself up for failure or cause unnecessary strain where it can be avoided. I'm also not a fan of inner city / ITP dinner meet locations that have horrible traffic, terrible parking and are far from my house which has also contributed to my absence.

    Anyway, I know this isn't much car related, and most thread subscribers might opt out as a result but it's a members journal thread, and this is all part of my story so it gets posted. I've also been pretty convicted lately on the amount of money I spent on my car when it could have been spent elsewhere on much more responsible things like paying down my mortgage or things like that. I've even considered selling it a few times but know that I could never recover my investment or even come close so I think that would be pretty foolish.

    My little daily driver passat that I was able to bless STIRhino with for a couple months while he rebuilt his GR is back and I'm having some issues with the tiptronic auto transmission in it. 2 of the 3 shift solenoids keep throwing a code for "shift solenoid electrical" which in a VW means God knows what. Also it apparently has an APR stage 2 map on the ECU, but the previous owner locked the map change feature with a 4 digit PIN that I do not have. That's like 149$ at an APR dealer to fix so i'm not sure what i'm going to do there, and it's definitely in "stock" mode right now. If anyone knows anyone at APR please let me know i'm not trying to spend 500$ on a car I only paid 3k for to begin with if you know what I mean.

    I plan on hitting up Dana at some point for the things he offered to help with, but it's going to be a while as I simply cannot justify spending any money on my car right now with a clear conscious. I really want a single exit tomei expreme exhaust and to re-plumb the wastegate in, but that's a major job and at least a grand just for the exhaust.

    Thanks for reading, and sorry about the first page getting all screwed up, all the photos were linked from facebook and with my account deactivated for now they don't show up. I'm sure i'll be back on eventually but for now it'll have to stay ugly :(
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
  5. wEaK Squad

    wEaK Squad Member

    Awesome man couldn't be more happy for you!
  6. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Dude I commend you on your life decisions....keep it up!

    And integroid knows the APR guys really well...maybe he can help you out?
  7. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Hey great to hear from you James!

    I was actually wondering where you've been as we usually hear from you pertaining the dinner meets.

    I'm glad to hear you are making these life changes for the BETTER, from having friends that are in that boat, I can understand how hard it can be to even acknowledge that. I don't know what I can do, but hey I still live decently close to you, so if there is anything I can be of help for let me know.
    Hope we get to see you at some form of a meet in the future.
  8. Kryptic WRX

    Kryptic WRX Supporting Member

    Hey I know what your going thru. I was a alcoholic for 7 years and now have been sober for 5 1/2 years. I will tell you the first year is the hardest but it does get easier. For the longest time I couldn't even go in somewhere that served alcohol. My son, wife, and family were my main reasons for quitting. Just take it day by day and you will get thru to the other side. If you need anyone to talk to about it also, hit me up. Congrats on the 8 weeks bro.
  9. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    Glad to hear from you my friend! I was beginning to be a bit concerned as I hadn't heard from you in a while, I'll admit. That being said, congratulations on being 8 weeks sober and doing what you need to do. That's awesome man. Give me a shout if you need to talk or you just wanna jam(I still need to take you up on that one of these days!). Anyway...Glad to hear from you, and hope to see out somewhere sometime soon!
  10. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Congrats on not only recognizing the problem, but actually doing something about it. Matto and I have talked recently about you, wondering where you were, etc...

    We're proud of you for making the decisions you've made and sticking to it! I totally understand not wanting to be around it, needing to stay away. No one will knock you there! When you're ready, we'll be here....with a coca-cola for ya! :D

  11. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    Nothing but respect for doing what you're doing. Stay strong.

    I recently went with an EWG dumping to atmosphere and I personally hate it. The fluttering is bad, but the noise is ridiculous in my opinion. I can't even hear the engine once the EWG is open. I installed a supertrapp muffler on the dump tube and that has made it quiet enough that I can deal with it for now. I will be having it plumbed back into the DP while having the taper down to 2.5 taken out(Cobb DP). I plan on doing this in the next few weeks and i would be happy to sell you the supertrapp for less than what Summit is selling them for if you are interested and can wait.

  12. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    will that work the the 11+ sedan and it's 4 tailpipes?

    derp. I read he wants to switch to single exit exhaust..
  13. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Congrats on making a life change man. That is not an easy decision by any means but normally good things in life are hard. You will also find that true friends will support it and the ones that don't you probably don't want to be around anyway.

    Good luck with it!
  14. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    I'm referring to the dump tube off of the EWG anyway. Probably about 1.75in. This would be a cheap way to knock the sound down until you get the exhaust work done.
  15. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Glad to hear you are making a change in your life. Very proud of you!

    Errr....on the APR thing....you should probably talk to me offline. I might know someone that has access to an APR cable, APR Dealer Login, and programming software.
  16. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    Addiction in any form is a horrible thing and incredibly insidious. Making the first step is the hardest part but you seem to have that down. Now it's just sticking with it. I would say good luck but at this point it's just about staying on the wagon, no luck to it. Hope to see you at some dinner meets again soon, I'll be happy to sit at the sober end of the table with you.
  17. resynch

    resynch Supporting Member

    :clap: Way to go James. I understand completely how you have to re-evaluate the world around you and make a honest decision to make it better. Best of wishes on staying clean! I have faith that you will!
  18. Mike@TSM

    Mike@TSM Member

    Congrats on many fronts for this man! I've personally dealt with a good amount of this stuff growing up and I know it takes a lot simply to recognize there is a problem, let alone admit any of it, and take the right steps to recovery; so, again, congrats!

    Happy to help where and if I can so by all means, give me a ring.
  19. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Wow guys, the posts mean a lot honestly I wasn't expecting much and just wanted to update everyone. What a community we have!

    Mustang forums:
    "Don't worry dude, we'll drink it all for ya! Before we do a drift turn out of the bar parking lot"

    Honda forums: ".................. well that sucks"

    Hopefully caffeine and octane will not be a complete wash out in a couple weeks and I can see a few of you there, I really like going to that meet since I get there really early and can get breakfast and go to church with the family right after.
  20. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    I was wondering where you were! I was going to ask you how your car and family were doing. Not that I've been active lately either haha. Happy for you and your life changes. Keep it up!
  21. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    once an addict always an addict, choose your new addiction wisely
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2015
  22. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Congrats on having the balls to address this and make the change, James! Looking forward to seeing you make it out to some meets, whether its Caffeine and Octane, or a dinner meet where I too will join you at the sober end of the table with Matto.
  23. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    James, I commend you on your strength to deal with these issues; hopefully we will be seeing you and your car around soon; I have family members that have struggled unsuccessfully, and friends who are much more successful at steering clear of the 'cliff' as I call it, so its great to hear where you are headed.
  24. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    I've never met you but it seems that everyone here has only positive things to say about you. I'm happy to see you go through a positive change, stay in that lane.

    I was a marijuana addict myself for four years. Some laugh at this, but I was always high and spent a lot of money on it. For me, personally, it was a huge problem.

    The day my wife got pregnant I threw it all away and went cold turkey.

    First six months were awful. The only thing I could think of was my addiction. But I got through it and 3 years later I have a beautiful wife, dream job, very good income, better friends and a second kid on the way. If I didn't do what I did three years prior, I somehow doubt i would have any of it.

    What I'm trying to say here is, what you're doing with your life is only for better good, for you and your family. As long as you keep that in mind every day, the last thing on your mind will be your addiction.

  25. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Trancetto congrats on the addition! I myself am expect our second in a few months.

    Sorry for getting off topic.....just like seeing folks be happy and making positive changes.
  26. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member


    Gonna need some, after King and I rotated mine the other day it was decided they are on their last 3000 miles (stock dunlop SP600's)
    I know the Michelin Pilot Super Sports are the go-to tire for street use by most, and i've seen them on a few subies and they look pretty good to, but man are they expensive.

    I also want to go from a 245 to a 255 to widen it up a bit on the stock 18" wheel and give a little more of a wide look since the car has stock suspension and the wheels kinda sit in a bit with no spacers.

    What about the continental extreme contact DW? Or the Bridgestone potenza s-04 pole position? Also found the Dunlop Direzza ZII's but not sure I want another dunlop tire. Mine were different weights and not balanced very well. No matter how good I had the alignment on my car it would pull in one direction or another depending on my rotated / criss crossed tire config. Clearly one or more of the stock dunlops were not balanced right.
  27. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member


    Gonna need to switch out my front pad's by the time I put tires on it. Down to like 15-20% left on the fronts. Backs still are 50+% maybe more but I'm going to go ahead and do them all at the same time since i'll likely be going with a non-stock replacement.

    I don't track the car, it's street only use so my priorities go in this order:
    1. Dust control
    2. Stopping power
    3. Longevity

    What would you guys recommend?
  28. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    EBC green / Yellow stuff
    Hawk 5.0 or HPS.
  29. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Costco has GREAT price on the Michelins... I got 265 \ 35 18s for less than 1k installed.

    The ZII's are an autox tire and wont last very long, but a good tire.
  30. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    The PSS's definitely cost more, but for a summer they last a while. Shiring has the DW's on his BRZ, and has said he liked them, also Patrick with his RX7 has them and I believe he likes them too, and with all that LSX torque.

    I heard the ZII's last longer than the older starspecs that I tried a couple years ago, but both are sorta for autoX and will warm up fast, but also get to the greasy point quick on our heavy subies.

    When I priced out PSS's vs starspecs, it was like 80bux more total, but the PSS would get like 10k more miles and have better heat ability.

    No clue on the pole positions, I thought about them because they were on sale last summer.
  31. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Brakes for street use Hawk HPS.
    Tires I'd go with the Michelins but you already stated the $$$ factor.....I don't have experience with any of the other options.
  32. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I really do like the DW, but they grease over too fast. Also, I'm at 13k miles and ready for a new set. Granted, I can slide a little easier than you can, so I....do.

    I'm trying to figure out what to go with next. I hear great things about the Michelin Pilot Sport A/S3. But they're only a dollar per tire cheaper than the pss for my size.

    If you can find the Bridgestone RE-11, I really REALLY liked those... and they handled fantastically in the snow, as superhawk28 can attest to them on my RS 5 years ago.
  33. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    So much freaking FUN.
  34. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Bridgestone is coming out with the RE71R as well... that is supposed to be comparable to the Starspecs, Rivals, and the Hankook RS3.
  35. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    they're already out. They look too much like an R comp to me.

    they're only $3 more per tire than the RE-11 in my size.

    Also, bridgestone has a $70 MIR right now.
  36. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires...el=Impreza WRX 4-Door&autoModClar=STI Limited

    There are some RE-11's

    The RE71R's I agree might roast themselves to pieces fairly quickly, especially since 2nd gear for me generally breaks all 4 loose @ 25psi LOL, although with some new rubber that may change.

    So the continental DW's are out eh? 13k miles is pretty pathetic. I mean I've had the dunlop SP600's for 34k with multiple mountain runs and daily driving the car.

    I know the PSS's are the main stay, so i'm not opposed to them at all just wanting to make sure there aren't newer designs or better prices in some other tires.
  37. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    yay post #1000!!

    that 13k miles was also 2 dragon trips. the second trip I had to pull over so as not to overcook them and put the car in a ditch/roll it.

    with AWD, it might be a different story, but I doubt it.
  38. Mike@TSM

    Mike@TSM Member

    You're definitely not going to find a shortage of opinions about tires haha!

    Here's my recommendation: Michelin Pilot Super Sports. Surprised? lol

    In all seriousness though, when you compare all of these heads up, the Michelins aren't really going to be MUCH more expensive. For starters, they come with a 30,000 mile mileage warranty (which Michelin will honor so long as you rotate them on time and makes sure your alignment is good so they wear evenly).

    Second, with the exception of the Bridgestones, every other tire you mentioned is going to be really loud; I know, I know, the car is loud - have you ever driven a car with loud tires on the hwy though? Forget exhaust drone, that sucks - big time.

    As far as the brakes go, I would absolutely hands down recommend the Girodisc SS Pads - I have them on my car and they are awesome. Between street driving and some track use, these are THE pad to have. The dust is no more (if not less) than the stock pads, they make VERY little noise (just light braking when they're cold), and stand up to abuse and heat. Oh yeah, and they are well priced. You're welcome to come up and drive my car to see if you like them - if you're willing to make the hike up here:)
  39. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I will confirm what mike is saying about the noise. the conti's are the noisiest tire I've ever come across. I've gotten used to it, but it's still there.
  40. Mike@TSM

    Mike@TSM Member

    oh yeah and definitely do the 255/40 18 - this will help your car specifically because it will add sidewall and help with grip; also with the added height it will help the gearing slightly for all those half mile events :D
  41. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    The PSS are over $200 cheaper per set than the PS2 for my new car too....kinda crazy
  42. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Thanks Mike! Great point on the noise, and that is a huge factor I completely forgot to mention.

    Discount has them for 219$/ea and I'm sure I could knock a little off that and get free installation like I always do.

    Not sure when i'll pull the trigger as i've got my Passat back on the road again so i'm going to park the subie for a while and try to get some things done on it so i'm not worried about the tires necessarily right now.
  43. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I wont ever use Hawk HPS pads again. I think they are just a terrible pad. I have tried them on a few platforms and they dust worse than stock with less stopping power. Hawk ceramics were my happy medium with the S4. Stopping power was almost as well as stock but did not dust at all. If you dont mind putting up with the dust, the Hawk HP+ pads or the Carbotech Bobcats are a good choice.

    I ahve also heard great things on Endless pads but I know they are bit pricey.
  44. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Costco beat discount tire by about $200 when I bought my set.

    I drove out installed @ $930 something instead of the $1200 something from discount, and that was for 265s.
  45. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    255 /40 R18 99Y XL BSW
    $219.00 $876.00
    This Michelin tire qualifies for:
    $70 Visa Prepaid Card Mail-in Rebate (Details) Mail-In
    Environmental Fee (State Required) $1.00 $4.00
    Tire Disposal Fee $2.75 $11.00
    Installation & Lifetime Spin Balancing $16.00 $64.00
    Subtotal $955.00
    GA 7.00% Sales Tax $62.37
    Total "Out the Door" Price

    Not bad from discount? Costco's website doesn't work properly and when it finally did they don't even show PSS's in that size. Might have to call.
  46. benfrancis

    benfrancis Member

    I got my A/S 3's from Costco and so far I really like them. They're softer than the Potenza 760s I had before this with a whole lot more grip to them. I don't remember what the price was but for the set (granted I'm running 17" not 18") they were less than $500 uninstalled (did it at SoK).
  47. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    If you are going to want to get mileage, quiet and grip out of a tire...there really isn't any other option than the PSS.
  48. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    what rears are you running on the street?
  49. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    Weird. I run HPS now for street, and I can go quite a while with very little dust. (HP+ for track, and of course they dust like crazy)
  50. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    I was using PSS's up until last week. I am on my 3rd set of tires in a year on this car so I went with Nitto NT555's this time around to save money on the DD set because I am going through tires so quickly. I have drag radials for play time.

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