2016 Autocross thread

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Millhouse04, Jan 11, 2016.

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  1. bstuke

    bstuke Member

    Sailboat in the Caribbean..
  2. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

  3. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    I'm getting excited for the season to start this weekend! Who's going to the TNT Saturday and/or Points #1 with AutoXAtlanta? We have a new timing system, live timing available and brand new cones to NOT mark-up :) Get your cobwebs out and come enjoy the nice weather while we have it.
  4. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    I will be going to the TNT, but not participating, though I am planing on going to pts1.
    I still need to get wheels and tires :/ but will make due.
  5. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    I'm going to swop out some low pressure fuel sensor that's tripping my CEL. Dealer wants $1k to do it. I bought the part for $97 shipped. Should be about an hour's worth of time.
    Then I'll do some fun runs in the M. Might see about buying some seat time from someone else out there on Saturday.

    Then it's CS in a BRZ Sunday! Back in a Subaru after only 1 year :)
  6. SubieEngineer

    SubieEngineer Member

    Want... Next... Car...!

    No interest in the STI, so it's currently in the garage missing some critical bits so I can sell a good bit of the aftermarket stuff. And the next car is still MIA...:|
  7. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member


    I am waiting on parts and tires... :eek:hnoes:

    It gonna close. The tires are the most important thing. :naughty:
  8. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    It took me creating a car ad online without the mention of the auto-x championships it won. Then it sold in 4 days. I didn't expect the go fast parts to add to the price. I just kind of wrote that off as I had my fun with it, now it's someone else's turn.

    I hope it sells soon for ya, a Z car would be fun to see do well locally.
  9. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    You mean try to do well locally... :bootyshak

    All kidding aside the Z cars were the car to have last year in STU it seemed. Not to mention they are a blast to drive.
  10. dwx

    dwx Member

    I will be at the T&T tomorrow and first AxA event. Not too many signed up so they are saying 6 runs.
  11. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    The TNT you'll be running till you dont want to run anymore...

    The Points 1 is estimated to be 6 runs...

    I'll be there saturday and sunday, I havent decided if I am going to be driving tomorrow or not. I'll be there to sort out the live timing if Tim hasnt already gotten it straight.

    What class are you running Sunday?
  12. dwx

    dwx Member

    Yes should have clarified on which event I was talking about. I'll be running STX in a BRZ on Sunday.
  13. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    An STX BRZ is gonna be fun!

    I'll be there all day both days. The new timing system is pretty pimp, it should eliminate a lot of re-runs.

    One big change for AutoXAtlanta is there's no checking in at the trailer each run for timing anymore. We have a car queue worker assignment, that person will be entering the up coming cars into the timing system with a phone. It takes some stress off the folks watching the lights for false trips.
  14. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    There's been a change in my plans, I'll see everyone Sunday.
  15. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    It was great seeing all the BRZ/FRS's & STI's out playing this weekend.
    AxA was a success. Saturday, when asked if anyone wanted to do MORE runs around 4pm, there were only a few takers. A good sign that your seat time was fulfilled. I want to thank you guys that came out this weekend for supporting this private venture into auto-x. These guys are putting up a lot of time and money to create a new club to support a great sport. In a few years hopefully they'll be successful enough to find their own plot of land to make this an even better experience for everyone.

    And thanks to Jason for letting me drive your GT. I owe to a ride in the M sometime ;) I only know one way to drive her, so I hope your OK going sideways a lot.

    And the competition in STU is going to be righteous. Zack and Miles put on a GREAT show every week. So awesome to watch you guys! Zack, I can still smell your clutch :)
  16. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    Yes it was great fun and the corse design was great. For once I had not problem getting the back side to slide a little. I really hope to get the $$ soon to get right size tires.

    I think Zack's clutch started to like him better, once he got more aggressive with the launch. Though it may not seam right, the less time it is slipping the better.

    Hats off to AXA for a great event; 6 runs was perfect. Though I do see this number dropping with more people.
  17. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Agreed great event this weekend and the awesome weather only helped. Though i should have put on some sunblock.

    Mission success for me, I've gotten my last season tires down to the wear bars on all four corners, though I ate a whole lot of cones.
  18. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    It stopped smelling by time we left for dinner, but ya I was driving the launch control wrong which caused the clutch issue.:eek:hnoes:

    It was GREAT to see everyone, and a super fun event.
  19. dwx

    dwx Member

    I thought everything went fairly well especially for a first event, and the courses both days were a lot of fun. I drove like absolute poop on Sunday but still had a good time.

    One suggestion would be to have some signs to show where grid is for specific run groups. In the afternoon almost everyone had to play musical cars because they parked in the wrong spot.

    No one is signed up yet for the SCCA T&T this weekend...is anyone here planning to?
  20. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    the morning session they had the flags setup, and well Randy was also asking cars what group and sorting them as they got into grid.
  21. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    At the moment I only plan on driving Sunday, but I do plan on coming to the TNT Saturday to help out.

    Atl Region is famous for waiting till the last second to sign up for events, so I expect the numbers to change ALOT between now and Saturday.

    The TNT is a run as much as you want event, so it is a GREAT event to get TONS of seat time. The way they set it up is you have 1 or 2 work assignments throughout the day, and when you aren't working you are driving. I highly encourage folks to take part.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
  22. SubieEngineer

    SubieEngineer Member

    Would love to go, but here's the current state of my "returning to stock-ish" STI...

  23. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Now the question is... are you rebuilding it or still trying to sell it?
  24. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    I'll be there both days this weekend. Really only driving on Sunday, but I'm sure you'll see me sliding around once or twice on Saturday.
  25. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    We need to have one worker assignment organizing grid. I ran off the second heat to run TECH. Thanks for the head's up about the disorganization.
  26. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I think we just need to have an announcement done during the driver's meeting to explain what the colors and numbers on the grid flags mean. Then it should take care of itself assuming everyone listens and then tells a friend while they are parking in grid.

    I rode with Jamie in his Porsche... that thing had so much mechanical grip.
  27. dwx

    dwx Member

    Yeah it just required a quick announcement at the drivers meeting.

    I signed up for the T&T on Saturday. Looks like you can't see the entries without being signed up for it, or at least I couldn't... There are 29 people signed up.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
  28. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    Driver meeting is too late. Most folks grid then go to the meeting. I think it needs attention, growing pains. I know it wasn't a huge deal, but I'd like to make it as smooth as possible. You'll drive faster with one less thing to deal with. I gots yooz guys...
  29. SubieEngineer

    SubieEngineer Member

    Sell. I want the $$$$ for another fun car. :naughty:
  30. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I just had a great idea. It'll work for SCCA and AutoxAtlanta.

    Write it on the run group board!

    I just need some better tires for this weekend. They should arrive today. :naughty:
  31. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    It was on the board, people can't/won't read AND comprehend what's on the board. We did it with colors & numbers that match the colored flags with #1 & #2 on them. I guess you didn't read it either, Zack? :moon: :wavey:
  32. dwx

    dwx Member

    Was it written down for the second session? Usually it just requires one person from a specific class to park in the right spot and the rest will generally follow.

    The previous region I ran with we had assigned grid positions like a national event, but that requires more work for the organizers, and talk about musical cars at the beginning...
  33. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I guess not. lol
  34. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

  35. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    yes was a fun weekend. it was also nice to experience an event as a almost normal attendee versus being out on course the whole day taking pics. Working tech was interesting.

    As for the course, it was great, I totally fell for the trick pointer cone before the right kink that lead up to the chicago box.

    Highlight of the day was finally getting to ride along with Miles, its pretty crazy to see how fast you and Zach see the courses.

    Side note, it appears I'm the only SM car this season, so I think my may drop into STM, since i was the only idiot running street tires in SM anyhow.
  36. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Jeff which part of your car build takes you out of Street Prepared? I was thinking about this last year at some point.

    Because I dont think you have to run SM, you might be ok to run BSP (I think that is the right letter. Its either A or B).

    I think just about every missed that trick cone atleast once. I almost missed it on my first run to, and Vance missed it the first go to.

    I do have videos I am uploading now. I had them loaded up already but did it on Katrina's account instead of mine so I had start all over...
  37. dwx

    dwx Member


    This was my fastest run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsZj7bbVU0M

    I was taking the first left hander too wide trying to get the car straighter entering the fast section. I didn't quite trust the car to go full throttle with more steering input but I should have tried it.
  38. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Well I went SM mainly bc of the fender work and wide tires, I didn't think I could fit anywhere else. Also motor wise I'm stock, but I'm on a stage2 tune and missing a thing or two in the exhaust pipe
  39. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Let me go read the Street Prepared rules real quick...

    So you can flair you fenders... but you cant add fender flairs. So ya... to SM you go... lol
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  40. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    I think Zack may be right, The STi's gets bumped to ASP IIRC.
  41. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    The bit of course after the Chicago box, you went a bit wide on the left getting onto the bricks.

    The wide left sweeper after the 4 cone wall gate you were also a bit wide on, carried alil to much speed through the causing you to add distance to the course.

    What time did you end up running?
  42. dwx

    dwx Member

    That was a 41.58.

    I use Solostorm and my last run was about .7 faster up to the next to last section and the last slalom. Most of that time was in taking the brick section tighter after the Chicago box. I slowed down too much to take that last section tighter and then zoned out and missed my turn-in on the next to last slalom cone. So I gave back .8 in those last two sections and ended up with a 41.6 that run.

    Analyzing the videos I think a 40.5-40.6 was doable, but would have taken nailing all the elements.
  43. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I need this app... searching now... How do I not have this already... lol

    The 40s were very doable for me as well. I screwed the pooch on that kink after the straight away, I slowed to much and to early.

    41.58 is a great time BTW. Well done. You out PAX'd me by 2.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  44. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    So... its supposed to be raining all weekend for dixie...

    3 Subaru, 6 Z Cars, and 1 M3...

    This is gonna get interesting.
  45. SubieEngineer

    SubieEngineer Member

    Hopefully next year I'll be able to attend a national event... Would love to try my hand at it at least once! Sucks I'm between cars at the moment. :(
  46. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Have you sold your STi yet? Or just haven't found a good Z car?
  47. SubieEngineer

    SubieEngineer Member

    Both. The STi is getting stripped down parts-wise for resale and so I can get some $$$$ for the aftermarket parts on it. 99% of the Zs I found are overpriced ($8500 for your 04 Z with 125k? c'mon, son!), salvage titles, verts, autos, or some combination of those.

    I found an 07 in Knoxville that I'm having a friend check out. Not really wanting an 07, but I believe it'll be the most competitive and fun of the 3 iterations of the VQ35. Then I found 2 04s in Atlanta, which I hope to check out before the weekend. :wiggle:
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
  48. dwx

    dwx Member

    There is always co-driving, works well when your car is down.

    The weather is always in a state of flux this time of year. Now it's not supposed to rain on Sunday. Saturday is probably going to be scattered but when it rains it's going to pour and drench everything.

    I was going to do the EVO Advantage school but I procrastinated and it filled up. Going to drive down Friday morning now instead of Thursday night.
  49. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I am headed down Friday morning as well. I was hoping to get a couple test runs in to get used to the surface on Friday.

    As far as the weather, rain is usually the great equalizer. STU will be a whole different animal if it rains.

    Yes it is very hard to find a good Z car now a days because all the youngin's mess then up and break them and there is a drift tax on them as well because so many people turn them into drift cars.
  50. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    I was on the waiting list for Dixie. We made the cut, but I'm stuck at work until at least 3pm. Too many other peeps already off this Friday.

    When you guys pull in, ask where the Atlanta folks are gathering. It's nice to have a big base camp to leave all your shit at during the day. Last year, we were pretty much on the left, just as you pull into the lot.

    We're staying at the Days Inn, a few other ATL folks are at the Hilton. See you guys Friday night, I hope to get there early enough to get a course walk or 2 in.
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