yeah, it's NEXT TIME! let's get more folks out to compensate for some of the folks not being able to make it....
I may make it again. I am taking off work to vote, so I will be at my moms tonight to beat the lines.
Ashley and the kids and I will make it. We will be late though we are having dinner at my dads for his B-Day. See you all tomorrow.
I just google mapped the location. It is far. About an hour drive without traffic. I would never make it by 7:30 or even 8.
Glad I got to make it was fun seeing some of you guys! P.S. The one meet i make it out to and Alex and Ped aren't there....LAME!
it was good to see you again Valerie. I think my favorite part was when you actually shut Marcus up. :rofl: that almost NEVER happens!
P.S. you still owe me a gif from the scavenger hunt last year from my fry's pictures Come by the shop sometime...I miss you guys!
Sorry I couldnt make it guys, I got hung up at work. You know how it goes..... Ill for sure be there in 2. Looks like I missed out on a good show out. Sucks.... maybe everyone will show up this time
well looks to be another jakeless meet. I get out of class at 9 (absolutely cannot skip, this is a review for our final which is a mock board exam) then across the street to best buy at 10 for work overnight. Sorry guys. Have a margarita or two for me.
I'm coming tonight barring any natural disasters, nuclear fallout or my wife changing her mind about letting me.
I might be scooting out a little early with someone from class, if not will you guys still be there after 9?
Man what happened to subigurl? Thas the only reason I showed up! Thanks for margarita Matt, my lovely friend Sonia really enjoyed it ;-) Let me know what u want in hd