Bought new tires over the weekend, had them installed and made an appointment for 8am to get an alignment. I showed up on time and was immediately greeted. They had my car around back in 5 minutes. Like others, I get a little freaked out when I'm not working on my car directly. I can say, I never got this feeling once while I was up there. I walked through the building and stood at the door to the shop as I didn't want to be that annoying owner that hovers over the Techs. Mark (performed the alignment) saw me standing there, invited me in and we talked about what I was looking for. As of now, the car is a DD, never tracked and goes on sporadic mountain runs (and I drive like your grandmother). We talked about the alignment that was on the car and after some much needed education, we decided to go for an alignment that focused on even tire wear with slight camber for turns. Thanks Mark! :bowdown: All in all, I was on my way to work after about an hour and all early impressions are of a car that has a great/proper alignment! Maybe on the way home, I can get the tires warmed up before I take the 75/85 ramp...and see how she holds. :naughty:
Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-us; LG-P999 Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1 MMS/LG-Android-MMS-V1.0/1.2) I actually wasn't trying to be a smartass. That was the best description. Even though I have the print out, I couldn't tell you what the specs are.