im baking and might be installing a gutted UP. there is a reason the title of the thread is baking/INSTALL DAY alex and i am more than willing to help with your stuff except with the steering rack bushings, ill watch for that one. I dont know what its like on a WRX but on the jaguar it was a pain in the fucking ass. Alex/WRX-WRC EDIT: who all is coming so i can make a list on the front page.
whatever you want my man. i think that sangria was a good choice for the springs ecxcept i forgot to tighten the tops after i lowered the car back down. im getting my floor jack that weekend.
here's the list copied to the end so everyone see's it Tom's WRX/hosting Alex Weapon wrX married04wrx Miloman socrates42 ScoobyBlkWRX AdvanceREX wrxin8or WRX-WRC/myself jt money GTscoob let me know if i need to take you off the list of add you on.
I am definitely in it sounds like a blast. Oh, and I will try to get some of my brother's homebrew beer to bring -Brett
i need to be added also i dont wanna bake but i might have a pulley to install. and ill pitch in on some grub if tom will pm me and tell me what else they need.
I'll be there with or without the WRX, depending on how long it takes for the new harness to get in (ordering it next week AFTER FINALS). Beer choice, I say if its a nice afternoon some Coronas with lime perhaps?
man this is great, i didnt even have to make a list! you guys are great. if this is going to be an all day event, you guys wanna see about roasting a PIG. i dont know how much it is to rent a smoker but i think that it would be damn good to do. if everyone that wants to eat can throw me 5 bones, that should be good, i will cook a feast and thats a promise. bring whatever beer you like, i will get a big cooler for the basement and there should be some room in the fridge. IM thinkin steaks, chicken (special BBQ sauce, home recipe), maybe some ribs(slow cooked in a marinade), some stew, home fries, burgers, dogs, might even whip up some of my smashed taters, and make a casserole. what ya'll know about that.? Fruit salad. i dont know. thats about all i got for cookout grub. place your orders!
Just saw the thread, I'm planning on trying to make it (may need a ride since the Rex is out of commission for a few weeks). Add me as well
Tom's WRX/hosting Alex Weapon wrX married04wrx Miloman socrates42 ScoobyBlkWRX AdvanceREX wrxin8or WRX-WRC jt money GTscoob SkullWRX thats what i have at this point. its important to know how many people are going to be here so i know how much food to get. We can do the pig if enough people get on this. it wont be worth if unless we have about 20 people.
you are speaking the gospel according to Tom now Alex. I have more newcastle in my veins than blood i think. i love it!!!! WTF on the stickers mate?
Tom's WRX/hosting Alex Weapon wrX married04wrx Miloman socrates42 ScoobyBlkWRX AdvanceREX wrxin8or WRX-WRC/myself jt money GTscoob SkullWRX lostinthewoods im going to meet alex now i think
Tom's WRX/hosting Alex Weapon wrX married04wrx Miloman socrates42 ScoobyBlkWRX AdvanceREX wrxin8or WRX-WRC jt money GTscoob SkullWRX lostinthewoods beatinevos keeps growing
i may be in on the 28th... i've already baked my lights but i'll lend a hand and eat some food! Beer: Stella Artois
sorry the first post has not been updated for the date... i just updated it... we will be doing this on the 21st
= car no runny! just kidding, so dont have to keep the list going? i was having fun man. pulls up the post count and... makes this a longer thread which is really cool cause i started it! thats right, im the cool guy.
Your so lucky my threads only go 10 replies or some silly moderator close it(punks) haha I love sarcasom(spelling)
Personal Pref: Killian's Irish Red =) Newcastle is good too though. I'll bring some if you don't want to foot the bill for 20 people on your own....
damn man. that sucks, hwave fun in NYC that place is like a home to me. i have a bunch of people in the williamsburg area of brooklyn. Skull, bring the alks when you come. i will buy food with the intention of getting reimbursed, however, beer and liqupr gets mad expensive so im banking on everyone bringing what they want to drink. brett, if you want the ride i will give it to ya. Sorry that sounds realy bad. Tom
wow, it seems i have missed a lot today, its awesome that we have so many people coming. "which is really cool cause i started it!" I believe that i started the idea/thread about this :bigthumb:
tom: u can keep a list goin... just wanted to let u know that ive been updating it in the first post since some moderator is not doing his job jk
hey, i had to work all day so i was doing my job :slap: :bigthumb: just added to the list sanremoredwrx
i dont get moderator privelages to steal threads. did you start the first one? i cant remember im busy and i forget things all the time.
Guess i will be there, depends on SOG if i will have anything to do, still waiting for downpipe, hell im still waiting to be called back
Quick question. I see the ongoing list, what kind of start time are we looking at? If you need folks to bring anything in regards to grub / beer maybe post up some items
as early as 9am my man. basically i plan on making this an all freekin day long event. i mean as long as it takes to get everything done, everyone feeling good and fed. as it looks, it looks like there will be more than one meal cooked. i am going to start cooking early in the morning. there should be some blueberry pancakes waiting for when people get here they can get some food in their bellies. so for lunch. ITEMS TO BRING hamburgers dogs paper plates beer plastic silverware cups buns IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A DISH AND BRING THAT TOO THAT WOULD BE GREAT. : green beans baked beans potatoe salad jello chicken, whatever. I really dont know what everyone wants. I will checking on the pig roasting situation when i get back next week, so if anyone knows where we can get a smoker to rent that would be great. Im also going to make a friggin huge batch of smashed potatoes. fries. etc.. i will also get a few packs of patties and will make them HUNTINGTON, WEST BY GOD STYLE. ya'll will like em. 2 packs of dogs. Im going to leave it open to everyone to bring what they like and share it with everyone that is going to be here. Heres how it is a success. if everyone brings what they want to drink, bring atleast 1 economy sized dish of food. and throws in to aid in the smoker rental. If all that happens this things will be amazing will someone do my lights if im going to cook all day??