I feel bad. All this installing and chilling. I almost feel obligated to go out and purchase something to install . LOL Maybe a boost gauge / pod would work. LOL
man, you can help cook! im sure that i will need help at some point or another. thanks milo, hopefully everyone else will as well. when you decide what you are bringing to the big day let me know so i can know what not to make. Mac and cheese is a good option too. please add lostinthewoods to the list! another thing, if you all plan on bringing girlfriends along, that is incouraged, just let me know ahead of time so that i can account for them as well so they can get fed as well. i feel like this is a military tactical feed! Mike, did your pops ever make you tactical feed? wasnt he a drill sgt? thats what i want to be when i grow up.
wrxfan420, you want us to add you. i sure hope that you can make it. i would like to have this be the biggest thing next to the warehouse meet that we have done. everyone can work on their cars. there will be ample hands available. good music, food, and black headlights cause BLACK IS THE BEST!
what day is memorial day? i wanna go to the install day. ill bring hotdogs, buns, chips, and a 2 liter of pepsi.
I might actually be able to join this one. Might even have a DP and UP to install (ordering the UP + gaskets tomorrow). And probably bring a snack or something... (I have something in mind )
"i dont get moderator privelages to steal threads. did you start the first one? i cant remember im busy and i forget things all the time." i didnt steal it, i made the first one cause i was itchin for some modding goodness, i moved it to GTG because there were people actually interested. you thankfully came along and offered your home for the event. im sure i just sound like an ass but yes, i started the idea of the install day :bigthumb: seems like it is more popular than i could have ever imagined, i only planned for like 6-8 people to come out now we have 20+ people, thats crazy. Alex/WRX-WRC
what it is is freekin awesome. i think that my parents may come down too. most people would freek out, however, mom is a bad ass in the kitchen and pops is a mechanic with 35+ yeah under the belt and 3 on subarus. i think that he will be a welcome hand with all the installs that are going on. moose, sounds good buddy. thanks again everyone that is helping out. i talked to Alex last night about the pig roasting thing, i think that we are leaning more to the side of getting it catered as far as the pig, burgers, steaks and chicken are on us though. so when we get a solid price on the catering i will let you guys know how much to throw in to help cover costs. WERD
JT needs a +1 by his name, hes bringin a SO as does lostinthewoods. i think that my whole building is going to come out and hang too. figured it would be better that way so they dont flip out and call the law! parking is going to be fun, there is plenty of spaces out back and around the corner, but we might move cars when its their turn for the install. i think i need a +20 or more HAHAHA i think i might have some people coming from greenville SC too. i dropped a guy in a white sti a card after flagging him down on the interstate on the way to va.
i was thinking actually have someone come out and cook the pig there and we would eat when its done, however, if you just want to get the food im down with that too. i know a great place that i will hit up when i get abck in town. anyone familiar with Dreamland BBQ on Alpharetta Highway?
Well, once again work is trying to fuck me over, I now have to work the next three Saturdays so I guess I will not make it to the Install Day. I love how when I was hired they said you may have to work an occasional Saturday. Interesting how occasional quickly becomes 3 Saturdays a month, I don't think that is occassional. It's more like, "You will get an occassional Saturday off." I hate this place so much. I would love to come here with a tank of gasoline and burn this damn place to the ground. I can see how people crack and come cruising into work with an AK47 and spray the place down. Someday that will be me!!!
Yo Tom, I will do my best to see if I can Make it down from Huntington, but I will probably talk to you before you get this message
They should have a phrase called "going cingular", just like they made "going postal" for the disgruntled postal workers.
great add my homie JOSH. he just bought a 04 white wrx and he live all the way in huntington wv. thats where i went to school. good i hope that you and jess can make it, or atleast you my man. PLEASE BRING FOOD, i jsut want to get teh BBQ catered. the rest will be on us. it will just be easier to go to a place and get a bunch of BBQ and just heat it up as people want some.
Seeing as how I don't have an oven or stove or even a kitchen really.... I'll pick up some desserts which seems to be lacking from the menu. Any preferences (within reason?)
thats some fancy shit for a bunch of mechanics and BBQ, but i dont care bring some of whatever that stuff is called!
here we go again with skittles and m&ms that means that we should talk about something else or Alex is going to close the thread. you shouldnt do that, this is the longest thread i think!
haha, quick let's start a "dessert for the install day" thread before we bring down the wrath of The Boss Man! I think Tiramisu might be a little extravagent. Something about BBQ and tiramisu is just.... wrong. I was thinking pie or cake or ice cream. and yes alex, I will include skittles and perhaps m&m's just for you but who puts skittles in ice cream?
I was told when you put the headlights back together that you need to put some sealint on them befor you bake them back together. If so what do we use. Also what kind of paint is needed for the housing.
i dont think u need to bake them when putting them back together... the sealant alone should do the trick
if you are careful enough then you should be able to use the old sealant just bake for a few miuntes and stick back together. to be o the safe side you can use extra, not quite sure what to use, but i plan on picking up something before the 21st, so dont worry about getting any, ill provide. Also i understand that basic krylon should do the job, but do you want flat black or gloss black, i also plan on picking some of this up so no worries again. I also plan on getting masking tape and sand paper so you dont need to get any of that either:bigthumb: EDIT: tiramisu is teh awesome:bowdown:
ok, ill get some flat black krylon for everyone, who all is painting, so i can make sure i get enough cans. EDIT: im thinking about makin some chili, gonna try and make my own recipe with habanero peppers, do people prefer mild, medium, or hot.
so, do i need to bring money for catering or do i need to bring food. i wanna do my part but i dont wanna show up with alot of food and then get bitched at cause im not pitchin on the catering. cash is really tight with no job for the last 5 months. i am gonna bring cups, plates, a box of bubba burgers, hot dogs,maybe some chicken done JT style, and a big batch of JT's special Queso dip w/ plenty of chips. and of course my own drinky drink. so is that cool that i just bring food. i can also help with the cooking duties.