It's gonna be hard to keep it mild with habaneros. Go for it! (And remind me to tell you the story of the Habanero Hamburger sometime) I might whip up some snacks and bring... can drag a few cases of soda with me too.
looks like i am going to have a few things to do to my car perrin downpipe fuel pump manual boost controller weapon and john bring your work gloves
How late will you guys be doing this? I have to work and I really want to get this stuff put on before the Dragon. I work 11-5. I have an uppipe and a downpipe to install. If you guys can't do it I will understand.
well look, lets not bring a ton of meet, we will get that from an outside party BBQ place. if someone wants to bring burgers thats great. dogs etc. we wont need a million of one thing tho so... jt bring the bubbas or the chicken. the queso dip sounds good too and of course plates cups bla bla bla. can we get a list up of what all everyone is bringing??
how bout this... tom if u have a list of what u think we should have, post it up... people could start volunteering to bring something on that list
Can we put the location in the first post? If its close, then I may be able to cruise up for just a bit. Thanks mods/admins!
Guess who picked up his springs, steering rack bushing, and breaklines today? <------ :bowdown: :bigthumb:
Thats what I thought. I have been able to get a weekday off so I am gonna go see Porter next week at Topspeed
tom... or anyone who wants to be in charge of the food, please PM me a list of possible items and we can have people volunteer to bring stuff...
I'm gonna order Stromung Highflow cat to replace my stock 3rd cat. If that one comes before 5/21, i'm in~!!! maybe streeTuner if i have enough money.
im painting. john, we will be going at it as long as we need to te get everyone through man. please come, by the time that you get off of work, we should have gotten everyone else done so you should be able to slide right in. i dont think that it will take that long to do up an down. it takes about 2 solid hours of work to get swap the up and then the down is just as easy as taking it off the back of the turbo. let me know man
i am going to be doing my upm pipe as well, i was fortunate enough to get my cat back done as well as my down pipe.
I may come to this, I would like to but it depends what my schedule is like, I have graduation the following week so theres a lot of graduation parties I have to show face at. Craig
I think that I will be doing my headlights, and Tom mentioned doing my Elbow delete(?), I will also be bringing possiblyhave 3 more coming with me, no cars, just tagging along
Maybe worth a separate thread, but... let's see if we can figure out what tools are needed and make sure we have them. I can bring (if needed): Jack Jack stands O2 sensor socket Rhino ramps Assortment of torque wrenches, extensions, box wrenches, universal joints, you name it... Filter wrenches Angle grinder PB Blaster Let's get a wish list of tools and make sure we have everything needed!
looks like u can take me off the list, got to freaking work sat. may be through by lunch, i will try and swing by, doubt i will install anything milo, pm me ur # i lost it john give me a call, i may get u to swing by and pick up my downpipe from sog, since it doesnt look like they are going to send it to me
I can probably be there.... I don't work till 7 (I think....). I can bring a few tools, help with uppipes, maybe beg someone to help me with springs
That Install Day was a friggin' blast...especially when the police officer showed up...LOL... Brings back some good memories. Mark