Big turbos and A/O separators

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by Cool_____, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Yeah only have wrx heads so one vent.

    The IXIZ plumbs the two head vents together and feed into the AOS. But I don't think that would be wise with a pump pulling vac. But then again plumbing both shouldn't hurt as that's what the stock system does.

    What you think? Do i need to revise anything? The second port on the block is capped off but I was wondering if it would be better to have one port dedicated for drain and the other for supply?
  2. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Here's a suggestion made by a buddy who used to design nuclear offgas systems.

    Does this sound better (nicad?)?

  3. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Still think that by combining all three into one line it might cause issues. You need to slow the flow of the crank case gases down I believe to allow the oil to come out of suspension in the AOS.
  4. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Use a force field to separate the oil from the crank case gases.

    Problem solved.
  5. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Or, stop fucking with it and use it as a glorified catch can...

    After talking w/ Mike (kokepelli) at the TS meet, i'm turning mine into a catch can. Sorry, but this turd just doesn't work on any Subaru designed to make power.

    cough *ming fix your shit* cough
  6. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    I'm converting a party ball, a bedazzled Coors party ball
  7. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    lawl...breel and his patron...
  8. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    no Patron, but now you mention it is time for a bedtime shot. A double Evil Williams trumps TylenolPM anytime... and I'm not kidding about the party ball and it was Ghost's idea to bling it out, sorry his idea to bedazzle it. I worry about that boy but he's not the one who listens to Sugarland by candle light.
  9. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    again...who the fuck is sugarland?
  10. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    You guys are such a big help.
  11. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    The flow is being slowed down inside the AOS via baffles and increase of surface area.
  12. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    nO cOOLrEX, you are over thinking this, it's a real simple fix muddled by all this theory BS.

    If you are using the correct oil, the rings are seated good, you route everything to a catch can and be done with it.
  13. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    That's all you had to say ;)

    Doug said the same this morning. I'm switching to synthetic soon. I hope it helps with the condensation blocking crap. Routing NOTHING back into the inlet.....don't want dirty air in there.

  14. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    what about a baffled can with a chevron style separator at the top. an empty separator isn't going to do a gd thing.

    they use them in steam generation systems to prevent carryover of liquids
  15. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    The inside of the IXIZ is baffled though. From what you just stated sounds like you think it isn't baffled.
  16. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Mind clarifying or posting a pic/link to a chevron style separator? I googled it but came up with HUGE things with no explanation.
  17. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    So you are saying you are routing what is suppose to go to the intake, into a catch can? Or like where mine goes VTA, that would go to a catch can?
  18. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I will cap off the intake ports. Route this essentially just like yours is now but have a catch can at the end of it. That way I can watch and see what's coming out. I'm going to do a compression test this weekend too to make sure all the rings are sealing at the same values.
  19. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll


    basically, the mist goes through a path through the separators. due to the sudden changes in direction, flow, and speed, the liquid in the mixture falls out and drains down. common in big industrial stuff, but I think a smaller version would work fine.

    i thought ming indicated a while back that there was nothing in the separator. but I could be wrong (DONT BET ON IT THOUGH)
  20. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Very interesting. There's no media in the AOS but there are baffles from what I understand. I would crack it open as it's bolted together but I don't want to break the seals in the gaskets.
  21. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I have seen the inside and there is no media but it is indeed baffled. Kind of reminds me of how grease filters work for a commercial restaurant hood.
  22. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    There's what 2 or 3 baffles?
  23. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Not so much. Unless you are increasing the volume that is being flowed through there and not just the amount of turns it has to take you are not slowing it down. In fact you could be speeding it up! Think about a hose...put your finger over the end and it does not slow it down, it speeds it up and builds up pressure. Adding wadding will help by adding surface area, but can also increase the blockage which would build up MORE pressure in the crankcase.

    The catch can should in theory help as it is adding to the area that it has to flow through and a chamber where it can slow down a bit.... But if you are still taking all three hoses and asking them to go through the same single small hose, it is still going to increase the speed of the gases going through the catch can. It's taking 3 fairly large hoses and combining them all down into one single small hose. In effect putting your finger over that hose! On a small turbo it may not make that much difference as there is not as much volume going through as with that nice turbo you are using!
  24. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Ummmm my turbo has NOTHING to do with the air going in the AOS with the exception of how much vacuum the inlet may be pulling. The crankcase shouldn't be seeing any pressure from boost. maybe a little but not much....if it did then I would have much bigger problems.
  25. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Actually your turbo has everything to do with the air going in the noted by Peterson Fluid Systems, the amount of crank case gases has a DIRECT linear relationship to the amount of air flowed through the engine. They quote that it is commonly 2%. 2% of 500 CFM? 10 cfm. 2% of 1000 CFM? 20 cfm. So now you have essentially doubled the amount of crank case gases by....changing your turbo! You have changed from one that flows 500 CFM (or less on a WRX) as the stock one does on a Sti to 1000 CFM like the 35R you put on!
  26. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Jesus, just VTA and be done with it!
  27. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    As was my recommendation. He said that he does not like the smell when he turns the heat on...but I think he might have decided to go a different route after all.
  28. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I am. I'm running a pipe up under the car so the fumes won't get sucked in by the heater and air vents.

    But I'd still like to see what adding a pump will do.
  29. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    random thought, but what about using the vacuum recirc bullshit for the fuel system on the '07s? Mine's just laying in my garage...
  30. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    nope, party ball
  31. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Can I have it? I'll test it out on the dyno.
  32. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    sure, but good luck getting it to work. It ties into the stock engine harness and has leads that go all over the place (caused many problems on my setup before I switched to AEM). I'll leave it out for you when you come pick up the tires...try not to destroy it, though, may need it back (especially if it works ;))
  33. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Does it have more than just one plug on it?
  34. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Wait a doesn't have a inlet and outlet. I think it just sucks air from the top and only has one hose connection. If so won't work.
  35. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    The IXIZ has separate hoses for the head vents and separate hoses for the crank vent. Each hose goes into it's own baffled chamber. I'm not combining all have to know how the car is plumbed before making an assumption. When the air is going into the AOS it is slowing down but speeding back up when it exits. Simple physics here.

    However like nicad has pointed out, I personally don't think the AOS is doing that great of a job. But IXIZ goal was to make a cost effective unit for most cars. Most cars < 350 hp with smallish turbos. So if I wanted to make the most out of the AOS I would add the Chevron type stuff that nicad mentioned but then again I'd be worried about it stopping up worse. Would be cool to incorporate an internal heater to keep the unit warm but that's overkill.

    Ultimately I'm VTA once my Greddy style catch can comes in (hopefully today). I'm gonna get a smog pump for cheap just for giggles and see if it even does anything on the dyno. If so great. If not no biggy. End result will be NOTHING is gonna dump dirty oily air in my intake.
  36. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    wrap that bad boy in a coolant jacket coming from a hot rad hose
  37. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I must suck at google searches...i can't find anything in the size/application I need.
  38. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    no idea, never looked at it closely...just long enough for me to unhook the one plug (to answer your other question) and throw it in the box of shit i'm not using anymore
  39. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    does said box include your penis y/n
  40. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned


    Interesting....I now know what's inside the Crawford unit.

    The issue I see with it is what happens when the intake gets full of condensation? Hmmmmm.

  41. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

  42. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Really how many lines do you have going out of it? The diagrams you posted showed 3 coming in 1 drain and one single line going to the turbo inlet/catch can/where ever you have it going now. Soooo that would be combining 3 lines coming in with pressure down into one single line going out per your diagram. The drain line you really can't count as it is just recirculating the built up crank case pressure. The only assumption was that you drew an accurate diagram of how you have it plumbed currently.
  43. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    That outlet line is bigger than the inlet lines. And it has 'vac' on it via the inlet. All of the kits do this.....Crawford, Prova, Grimmspeed, Ixiz.
  44. JDM-STI

    JDM-STI Member

    Where did that Crawford can come from? Mine only has 4 ports total not the 6 shown in that picture. How does this one plumb??
  45. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Bigger than the diameter (and flow capability) of all three lines that come off the crank case and valve covers? I don't think so. But regardless, you are still combining all three lines into a single outlet that is not as big as the sum of the three inlets. I have also heard quite a few folks having issues with the Crawford unit.

    I am not saying that any of these products don't work. I am just saying they may be inadequate with some bigger set ups. For you average Sti with stock turbo, etc I am sure they work fine. I believe Doug said the Crawford worked ok on his car as well but thought it could use a larger catch can portion.
  46. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    JDM-STi that's Crawford's newest revision. Those two new ports are actually one pipe that runs through. Coolant goes through that pipe from off the turbo to warm the canister up to prevent condensation and crap. If you look at the xray pics you can clearly see that in more detail.
  47. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I see what you are saying Mike but at this point we kinda have our hands tied until someone makes something better.

    I'm seriously toying with talking to the local fabricator some more next week. He saw the xray pics and said that's about $20 in materials and then the welding labor. He said he thinks he could make them for half the price on a per order basis!
  48. JDM-STI

    JDM-STI Member

    Gotcha! I hadn't seen this version. Interesting concept. Not sure that it will prevent the condensation problem any better. I'd like to see x-rays of the older version like I have.
  49. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Yours looks identical with the exception of that one pipe.
  50. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Any clue what that pipe is for? Is it possibly to pass coolant through to keep it warm in there or something? It looks like it goes straight through the AOS and does not open up.

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