all i have to say is who is ready for tomorrow? I need to wash my car still but i am other than that....
Its looking like rain over here.. blaaah!! What kind of wax do you guys use? Thinkin of trying zymol and see how that works on the black subbie.
milo is out of town so i dont think hell be adding you to the list. man is raining at my house. i didnt even wash the ride yet. :wtc: i guess ill do it tonight. otherwise ill be the dirtyest car there. :rofl:
yea im not sure im gonna even wash mine unless i feel like it later tonight or in the morning(which is doubtful). Its saying pm storms tomorrow so ithink we should be good.
Its pouring here. I may throw on some old shorts and wash the car in the rain About breakfast tomorrow, who would like to go where before the meeting @ Sam's? Faysal, I'll add you to the list.
damn the rain. damn the rain.. Lighten stuck something over near the home depot at 20 and 400.. Crap load of smoke in the air.
so what time are you guys actually planning on pulling into D&B's? i was wanting to meet you guys there or atleast have the WRB guys save me a spot
hey alex im leaving my house at 8am ( i live 40 min from clairmont) so should be at sams after picking up my friend a little after 9 so i will be happy to grab a bite with ya. when we get to pleasant hill we should all pull of into a bigger parking lot like sports authority or something and organize. We gonna get color situated?
i get to go back to my college early yay!.....uh....just got a brilliant idea....hookah when we park lol! edit: ok ok so i bought a mini hookah for one of my delt bros, bought it cause he wanted one and i knew i couldnt bring him a as a joke a mini...but thing supposedly works...i wanna see how well though. any shisha or coals on you? i dont know if nc17 will be open that early... see told you its mini
So some one knows how to get from the meeting point to the event itself right? No need for us to call 411 at 5 till 10 right?
oh yeah we had a meet there a few months ago. its a lil ways up from the sams club. fun drive none the less.
the sams is exit 91 off 85. it just seems short cause we caravaned last time we went to d&b. i guess that made the time go buy alot quicker. i think alex wanted to get there early cause he has to set up a tent for wrxatl. im sure he wanted to do so before alot of peeps get there.
well then save me a spot like i said earlier cuz at 9:15 i'll still be washing. i'll get there about 10:30-11 alex has my number so call me tomorrow morn
yeah you know what, save me a spot too, cause i may be washing...but not gonna drive 25min to sams then to the dnb when i can get there striaght in 20... dude premium is expensive.
i just read all 3 of fez's posts and didnt understand 1 of them......... anywayz i will be there at 9 to eat some breakfast or around there. Anyone who cares to join come find me at mcdonalds. Im only washing my wheels in the morning the rest can stay dirty whatever. Not like they are giving trophies or anything for cleanliness.
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 4 (4 members and 0 guests) jt money, bigb996, AWD_Tiger, dlowman dan i see you lurking you gonna rep wrxatl tom with us or what?
ouch, a bit of sunburn here. I enjoyed the event, especially when the noise we made brought people over from other groups. The audi guy even thanked me for moving my car forward a few feet so it didn't sneeze gas and water vapor all over his bumper
damn am i burnt!!!!! madd fun. i won a 25 gift card to auto zone and a neon wire kit. sorry i got all the tickets mixed up so i dont know who to thank. good seeing yall again!
i got 26 images from today that survived 1st round of deleting.... itd be nice to have somewhere to share them...*cough* *cough*
Too bad the Corvette guy wasn't around when I did my rev bye lol. Hope I didn't gas out any of the guys behind me If I did it was all JT's fault
The meet was alot of fun.. great turn out from WRXatl. it was nice meeting all you guys. i will look foward to future meets. -Clayton
I wish I could have been there. I have been sick for the last 2 days... I am glad you all had fun... and won some door prizes... Didn't anyone bring sunscreen?.Reminds me of install day at Milo's...LOL... Mark
well fellas that was an amazing turnout i think over the course of the day we probably had around 20 subi come. Thats impressive if you ask me. I as well as many of you definatly got some sun its just unfortunate its in the form of farmers tan. I enjoyed meeting those of you i havnt met yet and was good to see those i have met. I look forward to the mountain run. Post some pics when you guys get them so we can make Milo jealous when he returns.
So who wants to use the meguiars detail kit I won on my car > I could use a slave for a day, I mean an assistant
Meguiar's is by far the very best that I have EVER used. You will really like it, Keith. Congrats on winning that... Mark
I was asking about the sunscreen b/c I didn't use much and I was as red as a LOBSTER!!. I was hurting for at least 1 day...2nd degree burns.... Mark
sorry we missed ya mark hope ya feel better buddy. Keith my mom told me to tell you she needs you to babysit on friday. :rofl:
I think we might have had 25 in and out through the day. A big thanks go to the SELOC boys for making this possible, and to the WRXatl crew for representing and truly demonstrating our passion and dedication
i got it on video and i have us pinning that TL inside 5 subis hahaha that was awsome.....If someone can make video editing i got some good clips that would be sweet for a compilation.