Case Study: My Misfire Blues

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by shiftynick, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    There haven't really been any boost fluxations that I've noticed and I have given the ol' MAF a cleanin, plus its only about 6 months old. And yes the AFRs a little worrisome. While I don't disagree about getting a tune, theres a couple reasons why I can't/don't wont to right now. The main problem being that the flash block was not wired in when the original swap was performed, so no flashing. Though I'm going to try to get that going this weekend. The other thing is that I think there's definitely something else going on and tuning to fix it would just be a bandaid. Also this isn't just a constant problem that has always been about the same. It has good days and bad days, and has slowly been getting worse, and the car ran great for a very long time without a tune... but anywho thanks for the advice.
  2. WJM

    WJM Banned

    the problem is his STFT and LTFT, the hesitation and rythmic hesitation.

    I've driven plenty of stock ecu'd WRX's with TBE's and other mods, they were fine. shifty's has issues that are not related to the mods.
  3. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Thats what she said, no but really... for instance, tonight I broke the T connector in the vacuum line that the turbo timer hooks into... so no boost gauge until I find a replacement for that tiny ass piece of plastic.
  4. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    For today's installment, I have learned some new things. I fixed up my pressurize gadget and hooked it up again. Found a leak in the hose between the intercooler and throttle body. Found a small leak in what I think is the oil separator gasket (back on the passenger side of the engine block near the turbo?). Haven't exactly fixed that one yet. But then I found the scariest leak, Injector #3! Upon barely touching it the the leak got worse. I don't know if that leak was always there or if I managed to cause it by pressurizing the system, but I made very sure to never go over 12 psi. Either way, should I drive with the injector leaking?
  5. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Congrats. Sounds like you found the culprit.

    I would not drive with a leaking injector.
  6. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    I'm guessing just need a new o-rings, insulators. Dealership is the only place to grab those right?

    More thoughts. So as mentioned before I'm logging injector duty cycles at 100%, even though apparently I shouldn't be. Should I take this time since I'll be into the injectors already to get some larger injectors? If yes, is a tune needed with bigger injectors? I worked on the ECU wiring to see if I could get it into a flashable state. Everything seems to be in order, but still no ROM reading. So no tune possible...

    Also, anybody local have some spare injector insulators and o-rings?? :)
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2008
  7. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Dont upgrade the injectors....fix all the leaks first.
  8. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Ok, after a couple hours of absolute fun I have all four injectors out (I recommend that everyone try it, its a blast). Didn't see any obvious large problems. But while I have them out and am trying to source new rings and insulators, is there any kind of cleaning I can/should do to the injectors?
  9. WJM

    WJM Banned

    I'd send them off to be cleaned/checked out. That would eliminate the possibility of an injector issue.

    BTW injectors are fun.
  10. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Oh word. So you any recommendations as to where? How long does such a service take, since this is my only ride...
  11. WJM

    WJM Banned

  12. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Just got the call from DeatschWerks, the injectors are good and on the way back. Any gotchas I should know about when re-installing them?
  13. WJM

    WJM Banned

    use NEW orings (at the top of the injector that seal it into the fuel rail). As long as the seals from the injector to manifold are still soft...aka not hard as a can reuse those.
  14. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Right, I already picked up some new seals too, the old ones were a little rigid.
  15. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    OMG I got my car back together... I'm shocked. Ok, so are my troubles over? Probably a little early to say, but tonight's test drive proved promising. Its running smooth and I couldn't reproduce my earlier rhythmic hesitation or any stumbling, plus no CEL yet. If the problems are resolved I'm not sure I'll know exactly what fixed it, I touched on so many pieces during the last couple weeks. I'm gonna give it a couple more days of driving before I get too excited.... fingers crossed.
  16. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

  17. WJM

    WJM Banned

    that works. keep us updated!
  18. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Ok, another 40 minute ride in the books with no problems, still gonna give it a couple more days.

    Question, is there any reason that I should just suck it up and try to get the passenger side GBOD back on or should it be ok in a box in my garage?
  19. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    box in the garage!
  20. WJM

    WJM Banned

    brackets are for stock cars.
  21. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member


    So its been about 100 miles and still looking good. Maybe I will be able to auto-x after all.

    Also, I appreciate all the feedback from everyone, especially you Will. Though, if anybody remembers my first post where I offered the name of my firstborn to whoever came up with the specific diagnosis, it looks like it still gets to be me.

    Tyrannosaurus Rex Underwood it is.
  22. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Well.. first thing to note, a forgot to connect the hose from the purge valve back to the inlet :) (the inlet did have a nipple on it, or i would have obviously been having some serious issues.) I know that the purge valve has something to do with emissions? Can somebody explain its exact function? Apparently it WASN'T a big issue leaving it unplugged..

    Also, I have noticed a couple small stumbles, and just once I felt the faintest rythmic hesitation in low throttle, low rpm, higher load. It was so faint I don't think anybody else would have noticed. Otherwise it is definitely running much smoother than before.

    EDIT: WASN'T not WAS
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2008
  23. WJM

    WJM Banned

    take a pic of what was unplugged....many ppl have different definitions of the 'purge valve'.
  24. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

  25. WJM

    WJM Banned

    its part of the evaporative emissions system.

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  26. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    ahahahahaha... sooo funny. :cool:

    thats all i get huh.
  27. WJM

    WJM Banned

    well, I dont know what it does. They either work...or they are removed (race car). lol
  28. WJM

    WJM Banned

    I cant find any explanation of that exact part on subarunet/STIS.
  29. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    So the spoon doesn't really exist?
  30. WJM

    WJM Banned

    no, its there. its in diagrams and such...but no explanation on what it specifically does.
  31. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    That was my matrix joke, btw...
  32. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

  33. WJM

    WJM Banned

    we're talking about the purge valve not the purge control solenoid valve.

    two different things entirely.
  34. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    well they work together, the purge valve is that plastic piece with 3 hoses, the purge control solenoid valve is under and plumbed to it.
  35. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    An update: The stumbling and rhythmic hesitation is back (no misfires though), but so is my uppipe leak. I'm gonna try patching it one more time, if that fails again, new uppipe time... hoorah.
  36. WJM

    WJM Banned

    so much fun.
  37. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    I figured I'd keep all my issues in one post.

    When cleaning up some of the oil/dirt caked under the altenator, I noticed the seal around the timing belt cover has come up in a couple places (see pictures). I'm thinking its probably not a big deal right?
  38. WJM

    WJM Banned

    oil has saturated the 'dust seal' for the timing belt cover. You need to find the source of the oil leak and fix it, along with replacing the affected dust seals to keep contaminants out of the timing belt system.

    No big deal on non-interference systems...but yours...will bend all 16 valves if something bad happens.
  39. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Well thats just great.

    I don't even know what that means...

    Also as a side note, I am definitely going to need a new new uppipe, being that the bottom weld on my current has several cracks in it...

    Why can't I just ever be done...
  40. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    It means you might have a front seal leak. If you want to "ever be done" buy an 08 wrx" That will last you a couple of months HA. But honestly that is one bad ass car you it's worth it! You just inherited some neglect. Take care of it, if you hate it that much I'll buy it from you;D
    "Why can't I just ever be done"...Answer: Because it's modded!
    up-pipe: Turbo XS flex(has worked well for me)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2008
  41. shu

    shu Member

    Would a valve cover leak have caused that? The gasket was replaced roughly a year and a half ago.
  42. WJM

    WJM Banned

    it means...that if you break the timing belt and things go to shit...

    Interference: pistons will hit valves and they will bend. BAD
    Non-Interference: pistons and valves will get close but no bending action. Good!

    Valve cover gaskets would not leak all the way over there.
  43. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    w00t. Page 10.

    That is all.
  44. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

  45. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    How big of a job is it to get to and replace the dust seal on the timing belt cover? Hours and hours? Something I should try to take care, or take it in at $100 an hour?
  46. shaolin

    shaolin Member

    You know you don't have anything better to do. I can "help" you any time tomorrow or Wednesday if you want.
  47. WJM

    WJM Banned

    n00b. Its only page 3.

    I'd charge you $50 for that.

    Otherwise, I'm sure any shop will charge 2~3 hrs to get to it and replace the seal.
  48. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    um.. what?

    Is that in North Carolina dollars or Georgia dollars?
  49. WJM

    WJM Banned

    in your options for forum display you choose how many posts per page. I'm on 40 per page, the max allowed. So this post, being post #99, is on page 3. When we hit 120, page 4 will start.

    Its US dollars. ;)

    If Europe I'd charge you about 30 euro.
  50. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    So what youa re saying is that if he drove up to NC, you would only charge him $50?

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