Coming Soon: FP20g + meth

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by xnoodlesx, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    TXS TMIC and Perrin inlet tube ordered. Phase 2 here we come. :) This should surely help the numbers jump. :)
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Yay :wiggle:
  3. javid

    javid Member

    Nice work and good to meet you!
  4. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    So what's up with your turbo!?
  5. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    Yup. Wtf. Driving as normal, do a first gear pull, get up to 1.37bar and I hear this noise that sounds like one of those little firework rockets go off under my hood... high pitched whine noise. Car still driving fine, no more boost till I get home only to discover the following. Compressor side looks 100%. Sending it back to FP to get rebuilt and see if they have any idea wtf happened.


  6. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    Ouch!! :wtc:
    Sorry to hear about it man.
    Hopefully, FP will be able to tell you something good rather than a
    "it's you or your tuner's fault".

    Please keep us up to date on it.
    I know that I'm watching this very closely as I hope to be following you with a similar mod process.
  7. JDM-STI

    JDM-STI Member

    Dude, that really sucks! :wtc: Hopefully, for your sake, it will be something FP will cover.
  8. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    keep us posted on FP's response, i was very close to getting the same turbo
  9. jonnyboy0150

    jonnyboy0150 Member

    That blows man, i was planning on ordering a FP 20g in the next week or so! I am very curious of the cause and i wonder what FP will have to say about it. Definitely keep us posted man!
  10. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    I started a thread on as well...

    The explanation "Turbineguy" makes perfect sense to me. Now the question is if my EGT sensor is still in tact... if so hopefully FP will admit fault on this one.
  11. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Between this and broken piston ring land stories I'll be leaning toward a real safe tune.
  12. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    It is possible to overtorque that banjo bolt that feeds onto the top of the turbo. If you do overtorque it, it is possible that the bottom snaps off and falls into the turbo. Does that look 100% or is part of that bolt missing now?
  13. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    That part is fine.
  14. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    20g has been sent back to FP for warranty work. In the mean time... I am putting the car back together with a TXS TMIC, Perrin inlet tube, and the VF39...on meth of course. ;-) Going with a M10 nozzle this time instead of the M15. I was going through WAAY too much meth before. I will get this setup tuned and see how it does. Honestly the VF39 on meth tune I had before had MUCH more of punch down low, it was amazing. With AutoX season just around the corner this setup will be better anyway for the time being. When I get the 20g back... who knows what I'll do.
  15. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    That's great to hear they're going to warranty it......

    Also, thanks for the review of a stock turbo on meth. I'm trying to pick
    a turbo and am thinking that maybe I'll put the turbo decision off (waiting
    for news from Helix) and go with the meth inj for the time being.
  16. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    man, I was much more impressed with the stock turbo on meth, than the 20g+meth, as I love the low end. It was too smooth on the 20g.

    Kinda like comparing the RX8 and the s2000. The s2000 has the Vtec that kicks in and more of a torque rush, while the RX8 is linear. The torque rush of the stock turbo makes me happy :) :) :)

  17. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict


    So FP says that they will not honor the warranty on the 20g. :( They "claim" that a foreign object went through it... I have checked out the Sparkplugs and front O2 sensor, and they all look fine! On top of scratching my head of what could have caused this, b/c I now refuse to believe that it WAS NOT the turbo's own fault... they are wanting $550 to rebuild it!!! lol. Wow! Simply amazing. For the time being I am going to have the turbo returned to me and have it inspected by some 3rd party people.

    Also, I am going back to the VF39 on meth with a TXS TMIC and perrin inlet tube. I can already feel an improvement with the throttle response of the TXS TMIC vs the stock TMIC on the VF39. To be perfectly honest, the VF39 on meth absolutely raped asphalt in the lowend compared to the 20g on meth. I think BrianGT will agree as well. ;-)
  18. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    I don't think there's any way for the bolt to get into anything other than the bearings, and there's obviously impeller damage here.
  19. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    guess we should be runnig pretty close #'s in a couple of weeks. glad to here good things about the VF39 + Meth.
  20. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    quick question have you pulled your dp yet? i see you have a catted dp. what ever blew threw your turbo has to be trapped by your cat.
  21. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    Yeah, It has been off. I'm sure stuff is in the cat, no way to tell what though.
  22. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    Good call JT. Noodles, take a pic of what's in the cat and post it, maybe we can figure it out.

  23. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Did you ever end up checking the spark plugs?
  24. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    So... after way too much drama with the whole 20g situation, I have gone back to the good ole stock vf39 on 50/50 meth with lots of other goodies. Let's just say that THIS is the ultimate street setup, it doesn't get much better than this. I am spinning the tires in 1st gear on dry pavement! Thanks 555billion to SS and his 12 hours of dedication on my tune. This is probably it for me in the power area... Although one day I could get the 20g rebuilt and it would be a better track setup, but that is for another time. I see coilovers and sticky rubber in the future. ;-)

    Also, for those wanting to do meth, I HIGHLY recommend the 12L Spec C tank. It lasted me well over the whole day of tuning and 2/3rds of a track day a little talladega.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2006
  25. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I like the idea of a tank in the spare tire well...
  26. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Steven, I cannot begin to say how happy I am for you! Finally, closure on the 20g and back to familiar territory. Now, when do I get a ride?
  27. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    it was great meeting you and bluetwo on friday. glad to hear it's cleared up now ;)
  28. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    did u dyno it?
  29. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    Did not, however the butt dyno is happy. :)
  30. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i am considering the spec c tank... however, from a physics point of view i have a few concerns:

    1) personally i'd be more comfortable keeping all aftermarket flamable components under the hood.
    2) not sure if im totally comfortable with methanol running through the cabin
    3) can the pump maintain good pressure through a line that is so long? i know the fuel pump works fine under the same circumstances but the fuel system has gone through a ton of research.
    4) when the tank is half empty, is there a lot of annoying swishing noise from the rear?
    5) none of the meth tanks are 100% airtight. meth, being so hygroscopic tends to absorb moisture from the air. due to the much larger surface area of meth in the spec-c tank, it has the ability to absorb a lot more moisture. also since the tank is much larger, meth will sit in the tank much longer than it would in an engine bay tank. hence offering more opportunity to absorb moisture.
    6) how hard is it to fill the spec-c tank? i dont mind spilling a little under the hood but i wouldnt want to spill any in the trunk.
    7) when cornering, meth will be pushed around from side to side. would it be possible that under hard cornering, all the meth may be pushed away from the pump inlet?

    larger meth tank is definitely advantageous since you have ample amounts of meth. however, the issues i have thought of make me a little concerned. what is your take on these
  31. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    Doing a 50/50 mix eliminates most of the issues you speak of. I have tested the flamability of the 50/50 mix and it does not burn. I ended up having to JB-weld the top of the Spec C tank lid shut to keep it from leaking. However I made a custom line that allows me to fill the tank easily and allows it to breathe when the pump is pumping, or else there would be a vacuum. (I had a vacuum issue before using the IC water tank and it was not pretty. ;-) As far as the sound of slosh I have never heard it, although im sure it is sloshing around like crazy. Also, the outlet on the tank is on the bottom of a little bump at the bottom of the tank and gravity feeds the pump. As many issues as I've had with meth this year I am happy with the current setup, 50/50 makes me feel much better about the whole setup in general. Hope that answered all your questions. :) keep'em comin. I will try to take pictures of the whole setup.

    Also, I have a pressure gauge that is made for corrosive materials tapped into the line that sits in the glove box to make sure everything is working as it should. Also, I believe SMC makes trunk setups for the STi upon request... If this is true then there should be no issues with their pump having to pump through that much hose. Must remember that I have a different pump alltogether. :-/

    In the end, I would have to do more research before running 100% meth in a Spec C tank.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2006
  32. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i want to run a 100% meth setup... would u be comfortable doing that because of the possible issues i mentioned?

    i would like to personally look at your setup and go for a ride... thanks for answering all my questions
  33. xnoodlesx

    xnoodlesx recovering meth addict

    The main reason I am not doing 100% meth is because the shurflo pump the way it comes from Snow Performance is not "prepped" for it like Julio's is. ( I have tried running 100% meth on the snow pump and it does nothing but fail due to swollen parts. Snow does not even recommend running 100%, but only 50/50.

    Also, I believe as you've stated before that 100% meth would absorb quite a lot of a water over time. In such a big tank it would take a while before a refill was needed. Honestly, I would do a little research and go from there. :)
  34. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    thanks for all the input.

    Some good info here.

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