Community Conversation Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Alex, May 4, 2011.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    And I look forward to it, Nathan. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to get in touch with you and Doug several times lately. Including leaving messages with your secretary.
  2. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Funny thing is my boss and boss's boss invited me to eat and gave me a beer *gasp*. Never happened before and they don't allow it at my work place. Yum Guinness Draft. Oh and I finally got promoted.....yesterday was a very good day.
  3. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Congratulations, Cool!
  4. So lets just make this PERFECTLY clear so there are no public confusions.

    For 5 years your payment system has been sub par and broken. It lacked the ability to automatically renew not only vendor accounts, but also additional sponsored accounts.

    We have been understanding and helpful the entire time...took time out of our schedule to send emails and manually renew all of our vendor accounts, which was very cumbersome.

    Now after YEARS of waiting, you finally fixed the system TWO WEEKS ago, and because I have been too busy with OneLap to sign up for the new system I am all of a sudden NOT a supporting business of this community?

    I very rarely air laundry like this Alex, especially publicly, but honestly you leaving us out of that list really hit frankly hurts.

    I will talk to you after OneLap...things are too crazy right now with the extra load and Doug gone.

    As a side note fees are paid...but i'm still a member......?


    P.S. You have my cell number...I have not received any calls or texts
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  5. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    You're still a brother on here to me, Cicio, even if you don't have a green Hulk like name :hug:
  6. Thank you...

    Not many of you know how deep my roots are in Subaru, but I have so much love for the car and community! I was a moderator for 5 years on IWSTI and gave everything I had to my Subaru builds...

    Supporting you guys is one of the major reasons I became a partner at TopSpeed...the business may be growing for financial reasons, but the roots will not be forgotten.

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